Feminist Nazi’s rendered irrelevant

By Carnegie Mellon University….

Via Pittsburgh Post Gazette:

A Carnegie Mellon University study has concluded that women executives out-earn their male counterparts.

The study, which examined 16,000 executives over 14 years, found that women at the top of the business world bring in a bit more than men and are promoted at the same rate, countering the popular notion that women earn less than men for the same work.

“That common perception is not borne out by this study,” said Robert A. Miller, professor of economics and strategy and one of the authors. “If you’re looking for evidence of gender discrimination in executive promotion and compensation, it’s not happening there.”

The study, “Are There Glass Ceilings for Female Executives?,” was released last month by Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School of Business but hasn’t been published yet.

The largest empirical analysis of the top echelons of publicly traded companies determined that women earned about $100,000 more per year than men of the same age, educational background and experience.

The next time some bloody kotex starts bitching about how she’s being discriminated against. Show her this Blog posting. As of today, I do not want to hear any bitching by any women, who say they’re not treated fairly in the work place. Feminist Nazi’s are now rendered Irrelevant.

(Via TownHall)