Keith Olbermann’s Worst Person in World

Silver: Washington Post for caving to Bill O’s Complaints. 

Bronze: To Joe Libermann for now praising Obama because of his standing in the polls.

Gold: To Chad Michael Morisette of West Hollywood, California. Doing something God Awfully stupid.

Let me just say a little something about that last one. I give Keith Olbermann royal hell on this Blog. Especially when he says or does something incredibly stupid; This is not one of those times. It is this writers opinion that Keith Olbermann did what I consider to be one of the greatest things that a news anchor or Political talking head could do and that is risk the wrath of his own viewers and party to make a statement to the public that this sort of nonsense, like the Palin in a nose thing, is just not acceptable.

While I might not agree with the finer points of Keith’s overall Politics, his call to common decency and decrying of images of violence is not something that I can fault him for.