Cool new program

It’s not everyday that I try stuff that other people recommend. But in this case. I made an exception.

Captain Ed over at reported that there is a nice RSS reader out called RSSOwl. Now, most RSS readers that I have tried, I’ve ended up tossing, usually because the idiot that designed it, usually did not have people like me in mind. Well, it seems someone out there had bloggers like me in mind. (for a change!)

The reason I grabbed it. Is because iGoogle recently turned into a big smelly bucket of SUCK! In English, that means that they redesigned it, and I hated it.Sick (Hee hee)

Anyhow, so, if you’re a RSS reading maniac like me. Give RSSOwl a whirl.

Now, because I’m honest. I’ll give you the stuff that I don’t like about it. It has no installer. You pick where you want to run it and it goes there. Some people need installers. I don’t, but some do.

Other than that. It’s a great program. Big Grin

I can guess that you know what I’m up to here for a little while. moving RSS feeds from iGoogle to this RSS reader. It’s not hard, just time consuming! Waiting

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