Oh, that was it! (*smirk*)


Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) won the Texas primary popular vote not because of her famous "3 a.m." ads but because of Bill Clinton’s campaigning, according to a Barack Obama strategist who spoke to Time’s Karen Tumulty.

Obama could benefit from the former president’s stumping in small towns, just like his wife did, Tumulty suggests.

Obama and Bill Clinton spoke on the phone for 20 minutes Monday, and Clinton pledged to do what he is asked to in order to get Obama elected. –It Was Bill, Not the 3 a.m. Ads (Via The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room)

Never mind the fact that she acted like an uppity cunt through the whole entire campaign. Never mind the fact that her campaign manager was a clueless moron who didn’t have a slightest clue as to how to run a Campaign. Never mind the fact that there was so much infighting within the campaign that they did not have a good direction for the campaign and when Obama cleaned her clock, she had no clue how to respond, Never mind the fact that she played the Race, Fear, and Feminist card though out the campaign. Never mind all that!

It was BILL’S Fault!

What a bunch of feckless idiots….