Marxists, Socialists and Communists for Obama??

(Via and H/T to WorldNetDaily)

That’s right folks and they’ve got a spot on B. Hussein Obama’s Campaign Website too.


This group is for self-proclaimed Marxists/Communists/Socialists for the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency. By no means is he a true Marxist, but under Karl Marx’s writings we are to support the party with the best interests of the mobilization of the proletariat. Though the Democratic Socialists of America or the Communist Patty of America may have more Socialististic values, it is pointless to vote for these candidates due to the fact that there is virtually no chance they will be elected on a National level. The members of this group are not Leninists, Stalinists, etc. and do not support or condone the actions of North Korea, China, Cuba or any other self-proclaimed "Marxist States." They do not in anyway represent the Marxist philosophy nor do they represent Socialism/ Communism. We support Barack Obama because he knows what is best for the people!


…and they want to elect this guy President?

I’m speechless, I always ribbed the guy for being a Marxist, but now I see that they do actually DO support him. Wow… All I can say, just Wow…