Obama Quits Church….

Yeah, I’ve heard about Obama quitting his Church.

Sorry, It means absolutely nothing to me at all. 


Because you can take the man away from the Marxism, but you cannot take the Marxism out of the man.

A quick look at Liberation Theology will tell you why I feel this way.


Official Vatican pronouncements, including from the pope, have said that liberation theology is only partially compatible with official statements of Catholic social teaching, and that large portions of it should be rejected. Most of the objections by orthodox Catholic critics are its use of Marxism, specifically forms of dialectical materialism, and some tendencies (represented by Camilo Torres, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, and Ernesto Cardenal for example) to align with revolutionary movements.

Despite orthodox predominance in CELAM from the 1972 Sucre conference onwards, liberation theology retained a high degree of support in some circles, especially in South America. By 1979, the Puebla conference was considered to be an opportunity for orthodox bishops to reassert control over the radical elements of liberation theology, but the results were far from definitive.

Black Liberation Theology is an direct adaptation of this Marxist teaching.

This is why I refuse to vote for Barack Hussein Obama.  Because if even remotely embraces this sort of crazy theology, he is not fit, to be President of the United States of America.

Here’s a nice site with some real truths about B. Hussein Obama.

2 Replies to “Obama Quits Church….”

  1. I guess the heat got too much for him. This is another reason not to vote for BHO. He cannot be trusted to stick to his guns when the going gets tough.

    As I have said numerous times. This guy is very dangerous. He cannot be trusted. How do you think he will stand up against the enemies of this country? He has no backbone. He will fold like a cheap lawn chair.

    He knows it. His party knows it. We know it. And more importantly, the enemies of this country know it. Why do you think they support him for President?

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