Joe Gandelman releases his inner Michelle Malkin at Al Gore…

I know, it’s a silly headline, but it serves it’s purpose. 8^D


Perhaps one day someone will write a chapter about Al Gore in a new book titled “Profiles In Uncourage.”

Democratic presumptive Presidential nominee Barack Obama finally got what he and former rival Senator Hillary Clinton had pined for all these months — THE endorsement from former Vice President Al Gore.

But it came so late in the game that the person who’ll be most impressed with it will be Tipper Gore.

Did anyone think that after the smoke had cleared and the choices became Obama and GOPer John McCain that Al Gore would announce: “I am here to say that I am throwing my considerable weight behind John McCain for President of the United States!!”

Gore’s endorsement — which will generate lots of news stories, sound bytes and blog posts (like this one) is the biggest anti-climax since reporters started wondering if Ralph Nader would run for President again, and Nader announced he would. — Obama Gets "The" Endorsement: The Lousy Timing of Al Gore by JOE GANDELMAN (via The Moderate Voice)

I see Joe’s point, but my goodness, I don’t believe Joe could have been more “towel snapped on naked ass” about it, if he wanted to be.

….and I thought I was a jaded blogger.

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