….and here I thought *I* had issues!

*snarf* Hee hee

With them were two older women, in their 40s or 50s. They were dressed the same way and acting the same way as the girls they were with (their daughters, maybe?). In fact, I think they might have been outdrinking the younger girls. The younger girls were much better behaved, actually. While, yes, they were cheering on the bikini contestants and being a little rowdy, the cougars put them to shame. Their clothes were skankier, their jeans tighter, their heels higher, and their drinks emptied faster. They were dancing on the patio in their slutty clothes, screaming “WOOOOOO!” over and over again, and flirting with every man that so much as looked their way.

I wanted to scream at them, “ACT YOUR F*CKING AGE!” It does NOT make you look “flirty” and “fun” to act like you’re 18 if you’re actually 40. – (via Cassy Fiano)

I can relate. Whistling

Humph, I thought we only had those kind of weirdos here in Michigan? ThinkingConfused Guess not… I dont know

Hey!  Surprise I’m 35. Raised Eyebrow  What exactly is wrong with being 40?  Talk to the hand

Of course, when you’re dealing with little young pip squeaks like Fiano, what do you expect? Big GrinWinkingTongueBatting Eyelashes Rolling on the floorLaughing