Hillary Clinton doesn’t listen to the Economists…

Via Robert Reich’s Blog:

When asked this morning by ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos if she could name a single economist who backs her call for a gas tax holiday this summer, HRC said "I’m not going to put my lot in with economists.”

I know several of the economists who have been advising Senator Clinton, so I phoned them right after I heard this. I reached two of them. One hadn’t heard her remark and said he couldn’t believe she’d say it. The other had heard it and shrugged it off as “politics as usual.”

That’s the problem: Politics as usual.

first_lady_hilary_clinton_wincing_i Of course, that is Hillary’s problem, she represents the Democrat establishment. You know, the establishment, that authorized a Military style raid on a religious compound in Waco, Texas on February 28, 1993, which ended in the fiery deaths of 76 people, including 21 children and two pregnant women on April 13 of that same year.   

It simply amazes me, how the media has developed the total amnesia to the fact that Hillary’s husband was the one, who signed off of that massive slaughter of humanity.

Of course people say, "How can you say anything about that? she’s not Bill Clinton!". As far as I am concerned, Birds of a feather, flock together.


billary She’s just as evil, and just as liberal and quite frankly, just as stupid.


The quicker she is eliminated from this race, and the quicker that this race for the White House continues, the better. This Nation has had to suffer the tragic legacy of Bush/Clinton/Bush, don’t you think that it is about time for a change of path, instead of the same old politics?

Here’s a video the sums it all up:

I could not have put it better myself.

Others: Political Machine and The RBC and more via memeorandum