The 22 Year old, who brought down New York’s Governor


Ashley Alexandra Dupre

Ashley Alexandra Dupre – Woman at the Center of Eliot Spitzer’s Downfall (via New York Times)

She left a broken home on the Jersey Shore at 17 and came to New York City to work the nightclubs as a rhythm and blues singer. Now, at 22, she is the unwitting, and as yet unseen, star of the seamy drama that is the downfall of Gov. Eliot Spitzer of New York.

I partly feel sorry for this young lady.

I saw this story this morning on the wires and blogs, I started to just ignore it. But it’s news, I thought I’d say a few words. I thought about making a snarky comment, But that’s just too easy, she’s most likely going to be drug through the mud, by the MSM and some of the less forgiving Bloggers out there.

I guess I’m a sucker for a pretty face.

I can’t bring myself to say anything more than, hopefully she uses this as an opportunity to better herself. 

Others on this: Jossip, Newsweek, PoliGazette, Gothamist, TVNewser, PrawfsBlawg, ParaPundit, Gateway Pundit, On Deadline, The Gun Toting Liberal™, Gawker, Hot Air, Runnin’ Scared, Washington Wire, D-Day, Wonkette, Liberal Values, Connecting.the.Dots, Patterico’s Pontifications, Little Green Footballs, JammieWearingFool, Anne Schroeder’s Blogs, National Post, The Blotter, Spin Cycle, New York Post, Too Sense, AMERICAblog, Blogs of War, Lawyers, Guns and Money and American Street and more via Memeorandum