Speak for yourself, idiot libber….

Now this here, is the type of people that I totally detest. Angry

Commentary: Why I Don’t Support the Troops (via Berkeley Daily Planet)

In the recent political battle around the Marine recruiting station in Berkeley there has been much confusion around the concept or slogan of “supporting the troops,” but opposing the unjust wars of the Bush regime. Many who oppose the Bush regime wars also say they “support the troops.” Let me say it straight out—I do not support the troops and neither should you. It is objectively impossible to support the troops of the imperialist military forces of the U.S. and at the same time oppose the wars in which they fight.

This idiot ought to be arrested and tried for treason. These are the one’s that the Far right are talking about. "Imperialist Military Forces", kiss my behind! Damn Liberal twit.

I see why they use the term "Moonbat" to describe these idiots.

Don’t like the country? Get the hell out and live in Russia or better yet, Iran. They’d love you there.

Others: Right Wing News

(H/T Memeorandum)