Obama: Wright controversy has ’shaken me up’


The Story: Obama: Wright controversy has ’shaken me up’ (via CNN.com)

Barack Obama told CNN Wednesday the recent uproar over his former pastor’s sermons has reminded him of the odds he faces in winning the White House.

"In some ways this, this controversy has actually shaken me up a little bit and gotten me back into remembering that the odds of me getting elected have always been lower than than some of the other conventional candidates," the Illinois senator told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in an exclusive one-on-one interview.

There’s a song there… I was thinking:



Seriously? I would guess so, the magic or varnish has finally been wiped off and people are seeing the real Obama. Anyhow, Maybe it will wise Obama up and he’ll run things a bit more careful and get into more specifics of just how he intends to change this Nation, and how he’s going to be any different than Clinton.

Others: : TPM Election Central, The Page and The Fact Hub (via Memeornadum