"Misspoke" my royal behind….

 I am really beginning to believe that this lying thing is quite common among Democrats.

Article: Clinton Misspoke About Bosnia Trip, Campaign Says (via The Caucus, A New York Times Blog)

The Clinton campaign says Senator Hillary Clinton may have “misspoke” recently when she said she had to evade sniper fire when she was visiting Bosnia in 1996 as first lady.

She has been using the episode as an example of her foreign policy bona fides.

“I certainly do remember that trip to Bosnia,” she said last week. “There was a saying around the White House that if a place was too small, too poor, or too dangerous, the president couldn’t go, so send the First Lady.

“I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”

She has been using the episode as an example of her foreign policy bona fides.

“I certainly do remember that trip to Bosnia,” she said last week. “There was a saying around the White House that if a place was too small, too poor, or too dangerous, the president couldn’t go, so send the First Lady.

“I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”


But her account has been challenged, first by Sinbad, the comedian, who traveled with her, and then by news organizations, most notably the Washington Post, which awarded her four “Pinnochios” which it gives for major “whoppers.


Helene Cooper, The Times’s diplomatic correspondent, reports the following:

I spoke with William Nash, who was the commander of U.S. troops in Bosnia and was at the Tuzla airport with Hillary Clinton. He said there was no threat of sniper fire at the airport during her visit. He said that Mrs. Clinton was gracious during her visit and took pictures with the soldiers, but “she never had her head down. There was no sniper threat that I know of.”

and now for the damning video:

This is, as far as I am concerned, nothing short of a boldfaced lie. As an independent voter, I have lost any and all respect, which was not much to begin with. I do not see this as an isolated incident. I see this as a pattern amongst Democrats. First it was Bill Clinton, during his time in the White House, then it was Elliot Spitzer, and Mayor Kilpatrick of Detroit. 

Is this all the Democrats are good for? Lying their way through life? Whatever happened to just telling the goddamned truth? Whatever happened to honesty in Politics? Whatever happened to Integrity in Politics? It seems to be that it has been replaced by cheap thug bastards, who would rather lie their way through the White House and collect a paycheck to do a job, that they really did not deserve to obtain. Which is about what one could say about Hillary Clinton. Truth is, that this lying feckless bitch was only elected, because the people of New York felt sorry for her and she used her mantra of "feel sorry for me, because my husband fucked around on me." to get elected. I am personally sick and tired of seeing this goddamned closet lesbian tearing the Democrat party apart. I really wish that she’d drop out of the Presidential race and just go away and preferable die of aids or something.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but fucking aye already!!! Enough is enough, from racism, to fear mongering and now just fucking out right lying out her goddamned ass to make herself look good. Does this feckless bitch have any fucking shame at all?

Can you tell I am just a fucking wee bit annoyed?!?!?

Maybe I will get lucky and the blogging world will see this and Keith Olbermann will name me worst person in the world, as if I’d give a remote fuck about what asshole commie closet fag would think.

Others: The Huffington Post, The Sleuth, Stop The ACLU, Comments from Left Field, Political Radar, Macsmind, TPM Election Central, Hot Air, Wonkette, Salon, American Street, The Field, The Jed Report, Sweetness & Light, Balloon Juice, The Reaction, Trailhead, Washington Post, Lean Left, The Page, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, Pam’s House Blend and Wake up America and more via Memeorandum