It wasn’t just Obama’s Passport…..

So, it wasn’t a conspiracy after all… 

The Story: Obama urges inquiry into passport snooping (via

Sen. Barack Obama called for an investigation Friday into how the security of the passport files of the three remaining presidential candidates was breached.

The State Department admitted Friday that the passport files of Obama, Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. John McCain had been accessed without authorization.

"One of the things that the American people count on in their interactions with any level of government is that if they have to disclose personal information, that it stay personal and stay private," Obama said in Portland, Oregon.

"And when you have not just one but a series of attempts to tap into people’s personal records, that’s a problem not just for me but for how our government is functioning," he said.

Obama said he expected "a full and thorough investigation" by the administration in conjunction with congressional oversight committees.

Now if I were one of them overly paranoid Liberals, I would say this was released to stop the coverage of it, as a attempt to roust out Obama from the race or something silly like that. Truth is, is was most likely just some bonehead who thought that they’d be really cool and access the info.

However, it does speak the absolute incompetence of the State Department. This should have been released to the Candidates and the Media the very minute it happened. 

Many questions linger and will most likely be brought out eventually, Most likely when the offending parties are safely out of office.

Others: The Swamp, Think Progress, Ben Smith’s Blogs, the talking dog, Hot Air, MSNBC, Daily Kos, The Carpetbagger Report, Pajamas Media, Ars Technica, Attytood, Sister Toldjah, MyDD, Salon, Bang the Drum, The Gavel and Shakesville (via Memeornadum)