Blogroll Amnesty Day? You must be kidding….

Sometimes the things I read in the Blogging World make me wonder if people are taking this Blogging stuff much too seriously. Things like this piece here, about a person who dropped some Blogs off his Blogroll. I suppose, from what I can ascertain from reading this article. Some Bloggers were offended because they were dropped from the Blogroll.

Big Whoop!

In case anyone has forgotten, Blogs are owned by private citizens, and those people have the personal right to have whomever they damn well please on their Blogroll. I feel that anyone that complains about being dropped off a Blogroll is nothing more than an idiotic crybaby.

Therefore, the way I see it, unless you have some sort of financial stake in said Blog, you have no right to complain at all.

The said written above is why I do not have other Blogs listed here. Because If I do not include everybody, someone, somewhere is going to be offended, and seeing I have zero tolerance for whiney assed idiot crybabies, I do not have a Blogroll here.

In the interest of full honesty, I do have links to my other Blogs, and I have a big Blogroll over on my “Christian Blog”.

Why did I do this? I did this because it was simple to do. WordPress allows you to import OPML files, and I had a Blogroll set up from long ago, over on Blogrolling and I imported the OPML file to WordPress and give it a category. It worked very well, I must say. It was much easier than doing it manually over here on Blogger. I have done that before, and yes, it was a pain in the butt. There are Left, Center, and Right Blogs listed there too. Nobody is left out.

I said all that, to say this here. Being a Blogger is not a license to be added on every Blog out there. To me, forcing your way on to a Blogroll is, quite frankly, a form of whoring yourself out to the masses. If you have a writing talent, use it, and if you are good at it and your subjects are of interest, people will come.

On the other hand, sometimes, trying too hard to be noticed will only get you ignored. Believe me, I know, when I owned my domain, I would do and say and write anything to be noticed, it only ended up causing me more grief than anything else. I am not an attention whore. I write to please myself and to express what I am feeling; I am not interested in being anyone’s hero or personal messiah. I am just here to put my feelings about politics in the public eye for people to see and think about.

I think that if a few more writers took this attitude, things would be saner here in the Blogging World.

Others on this: World-O-Crap, Pharyngula, pygalgia, rubber hose, The Garlic, Buck Naked Politics, Fallenmonk and BlondeSense