Huckabee hits the wall.

An Interesting story on The Politico. It asks a very interesting question.

Can Huck hang on?

Quite frankly, the short answer is, No.

Why? Because Huckabee represents the molded over, wore out, Christian coalition type of politician. The type the wants to take the United States Government and turn it unto a Theocracy. Which was not what the founding fathers of this nation had in mind, when they founded this nation of ours.

The second reason is, he made a very fatal mistake. He went after some of his critics, who were, for the most part, staples within the Republican Party. One doesn’t do this and win an election.

Thirdly, Is his past, I must admit, that I was shocked, when I read about this guys past.

It will not surprise me, if Mitt Romney blazes past this guy and he ends up dropping out of the race.