I never thought in a million years that I would need to post something like this. But, if I must, I must.
As you all know, earlier this morning, I posted a entry basically letting the right know, that if they wanted to pursue an agenda of hate; to basically count me out.
Well, it appears the somebody somewhere is digging through my archives and is bringing up a posting, where I called the man, Scott Roeder, who killed Dr. George Tiller, the man who was performing partial-birth abortions; an American patriot. I will link to that old posting; but let me warn you. That posting contains EXTREMELY GRAPHIC PHOTOS of DEAD ABORTED BABIES, I ADVISE YOU, IF YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED, DON’T CLICK THE LINK! Otherwise, Click here to read it.
Anyhow, if they had actually read the stupid entry, they would have read this:
UPDATE: I feel the need to post this as a disclaimer. I do not encourage ANYONE to take this sort of drastic measure to stop abortion. Nor would I EVER do it myself. However, I do believe that someone like this who decides that they must take a stand, should be honored, not convicted.
I wrote that then, and I still feel that way. What Scott Roeder did was extreme, what Scott Roeder did was a crime and he is in prison for it. Looking at it now, perhaps I should have worded it differently. Scott Roeder is a criminal and he does belong in a prison cell. However, I believe among those who are pro-life, as I am; I believe the Scott Roeder should be seen as someone who took a extreme stand and took matters into his own hands. Now, do I believe that Pro-lifers should be committing murder? No, I don’t. The problem is, that when someone chooses to take this path, the very people that claim to be pro-life, condemn that person for taking a stand. I believe that this is hypocrisy.
The reason I say that, is this right here. Dr. George Tiller was, in fact, himself a murder. He knew exactly what he was doing and he employed every damned legal tactic to continue doing what he was doing; and he succeeded in getting a State judge to side with him. There was also evidence that George Tiller was tricking women into aborting their babies for frivolous reasons as well. That, in my mind, makes Tiller a straight up cold blooded killer. Now do I advocate anyone killing George Tiller? No, I do not. No sane person would do that. But I do say this; unfortunately, we live in a society, where killers are protected and yes, even rewarded for their actions, all in the name of progress. We live in a society, where people who decide that killer is wrong and dare to take a extreme stand, are jailed and condemned. Again, all in the name of progress. It is a sad thing to see, but it is the reality that we live in today.
Now having said all the above, I will say this. Listen, I do not condone murder of any sort. But there are times, when a homicide of another human being is justified. George Tiller was a murderer and the law in Kansas was not keen on stopping him. So, a man by the name of Scott Roeder decided to take matters into his own hands; in the name of Pro-Life. The problem is, the pro-life crowd wants to condemn someone who decided to take a stand and pay for it with his own freedom, to protect the lives of the unborn…. and the very people that supposedly condemn the murder of the unborn, condemned Mr. Roeder. That is straight up hypocrisy in my book.
Now, if whomever is roaming through my archives wants to bring this posting up and then bring up the one, where I am ripping on the right for their stupidity and call me a hypocrite; fine, do it, I could honestly care less about that. Because I believe these are two totally different issues. I am not preaching hate, when I call George Tiller a murder, nor am I preaching hate, when I say his killer ought to be respected and honored and not condemned, that is my personal feelings, and I am not fudging facts, nor am I being a racist about it. I am expressing my personal opinion, which, the last time I checked is not a federal crime. At least not yet, the progressives have not outlawed freedom of speech. As much as they would like to, the damn communist bastards.
Bottom Line: I made a statement, of which, I could have worded a bit better. But, I stand by it 100%. If the liberal left wants to distort that and call me a hate-monger, feel free. But I still stand behind what I said. Because I believe that Abortion is murder, and I believe that the pro-life crowds needs to get abortion stopped at the STATE level and NOT the federal.
That’s my opinion and I welcome yours.