Jacob Weisberg takes a page from Karl Rove’s Playbook

As a former Democratic Party voting independent; I thought that the progressives were a bit more smarter than this.

Well, I have been wrong before and it looks like I was wrong again.

Jacob Weisberg channeling his inner Karl Rove Says:

Last week, when White House Communications Director Anita Dunn charged the Fox News Channel with right-wing bias, Fox responded the way it always does. It denied the accusation with a straight face while proceeding to confirm it with its coverage.

Consider Fox’s Web story on the episode. It quotes five people. Two of them work for Fox. All of them assert that administration officials are either wrong in substance or politically foolish to criticize the network. No one is cited supporting Dunn’s criticisms or saying that it could make sense for Obama to challenge the network’s power. It’s a textbook example of a biased journalism.


What’s most distinctive about the American press is not its freedom but its century-old tradition of independence—that it serves the public interest rather than those of parties, persuasions, or pressure groups. Media independence is a 20th-century innovation that has never fully taken root in many other countries that do have a free press. The Australian-British-continental model of politicized media that Murdoch has applied at Fox is un-American, so much so that he has little choice but go on denying what he’s doing as he does it. For Murdoch, Ailes, and company, “fair and balanced” is a necessary lie. To admit that their coverage is slanted by design would violate the American understanding of the media’s role in democracy and our idea of what constitutes fair play. But it’s a demonstrable deceit that no longer deserves equal time.

As someone who distinctly remembers when the Bush White House, under the control of Karl Rove; said of those who opposed Bush’s decision to go into Iraq, as being unpatriotic and unAmerican —- I find this tripe written by this Socialist writer to be absolutely asinine. Since when does criticizing the polices of a socialist President qualify as Anti-American? Why? Because the President is black? This is coming from the very same group of people who literally were ready to take to the streets and protest because of what the White House said about the protesters and those who opposed Bush. Now that same group of people are now calling The President’s critics Anti-American?

Call it a hunch, but I do believe that this whole arrogance thing is going to blow up in the faces of the Progressives and is going to cause the Democrats to lose big come 2010 and 2012. Americans are just smarter than this and they see this for what it is; blind arrogance.

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