Townhall questioner to President Obama: ‘I’m Exhausted Of Defending You’

This comes via Real Clear Politics:


“I’m one of your middle class Americans. And quite frankly, I’m exhausted. Exhausted of defending you, defending your administration, defending the mantle of change that I voted for,” a woman told President Obama at a town hall.

“My husband and I have joked for years that we thought we were well beyond the hot dogs and beans era of our lives, but, quite frankly, it’s starting to knock on our door and ring true that that might be where we’re headed again, and, quite frankly, Mr. President, I need you to answer this honestly. Is this my new reality?,” she added.

The response from the President can be found right here. I listened to about five seconds of it. The President started giving one of his, “I feel your pain” answers; which basically was nice talk for, “You voted for me lady; now deal with what you got and get back on the reservation were you belong!” 😛

However, to address the issue which you are seeing here. This is a classic example of buyer’s regret, and it is a classic textbook example of Democratic Party overreach. They promoted this man, as the “Messiah of Progressivism.” Now that elections are over, the stimulus, that was supposed to created all these jobs; has essentially flopped. Now that the healthcare bill, that nobody really wanted, has passed and the Democrats see that there is no public option; they are now feeling like that might have just been played like a fiddle. Which they were, by Marxists, who were masters at propaganda.

Now that the propaganda phase is over and the newness of a black president has worn off, and the American people see that absolutely nothing has change,including the fact that everyone is still struggling; people are beginning, on the Democratic Party side, to feel like they have been lied too. Which they were and they fell for it — hook, line and sinker. This happened during the Carter era, this happened during the Clinton Era and now it is happening during the Obama era of “Hope and Change.”

Memo to the Democrats: Those people in the White House do not give two flips about you or your problems! They only care about their careers in politics. You are only a means to an end. So, stop your whining and get to the ballot box come November and vote different!

To be fair, and because I am not some Neo-Conservative Blogger, who is simply cashing in on some trending topic. I will say this: Bush did do some of same stuff, when he was elected in 2000. Bush was elected on the promise that he would be a peacetime President. However, 9/11 happened; and the game changed, and the Neo-Conservative warmongers approached him and convinced him that invading Iraq was necessary. Which we all know now was a lie. So, just to show you. I do know that Conservatives have done the same thing.   As much as I am glad that Iraq did turn out well; I will not sit here and lie to you all and say it was needed. Iraq was a mistake, that turned out reasonably well. However, the situation is not stable in Iraq and many are praying for divine intervention there.

Memeorandum Thread Here.