No, I am not a god-damned Neo-Nazi

The purpose of this article to inform the readers of this blog of an event that took place here yesterday.  I have been effectively “thrown under the bus” by a one Robert Stacy McCain.  This is the same Robert Stacy McCain who has been widely documented on this site as having a very checkered past.  The reason for this “bus tossing” is this; the other night on twitter, I was attacked by a woman, who wrote a rather lame attack against Megan McCain.  When this attack took place towards Megan McCain, I did reply to the attack and call out these women for their very lame attack.  This attack, for what it is worth, was because Megan McCain is fat, because she is blonde and so forth.  The original version of this rebuttal contained some words, that would not be considered “Politically Correct” and I removed them to prevent a problem.  Well, someone from that camp saw the original and these two women proceeded to go out of their way to slam me, reveal my real name and spread lies and rumors about me.  For the record, I did apologize, repeatedly, to the parties involved.  This just was not good enough for these people and they have gone out of their way to destroy my credibility in this Blogosphere. Furthermore, I have received via e-mail, death threats from supporters of these people. Not mention the death threats being left on the blogs of supports of those who wish to smear me, which have conveniently been removed.

As I said, I was minding my own business on twitter Sunday night, when one of these women attacked me on twitter, and I admit, I responded in kind.  I can understand them not liking what I wrote.  However, I believe this attack was a preplanned all along to attempt to discredit me further in the Blogosphere.  During this attack and me defending myself, Robert Stacy McCain begins telling me in Private message on twitter that I should not be defending myself — Which I found to be quite interesting, unless he was actually in on the whole thing.  However, from what I have seen on his blog, one of Michelle Malkin’s fan boys put the pressure on McCain to not link to me; all because of stuff that happened before my political conversion happened back in 2007 — Which I find to be ridiculous.  Again, since when did all of the sudden, did my past, become an issue for McCain?  Is it because he is trying to appeal to the Neo-Conservatives and is trying to distance himself from his Paleo-Conservative roots?

Now, I will defend myself from the smears of those who are spreading the lie that I am a Neo-Nazi.  I have never been, ever, a member of ANY sort of Neo-Nazi organization.  I do not agree, promote, or even remotely think that the Neo-Nazi mindset of white supremacy is a valid mindset.  I grew up in Southwest Detroit.  For those not familiar with that area, I grew up in an area that was a collective mix of Whites, Latinos, Blacks, and many other ethnical groups —- and yes, that does include Jews.

However, I am, very highly opposed to identity politics — on the left and the right.  My feelings, as a Paleo-Conservative, about the Neo-Conservative right; can be properly summed up, by reading this article here.  My feelings are not hatred of the Jewish race; my feelings are simply a hatred of those who use race, as means to get special treatment.  That is what any true Conservative believes.  However, those on the right, who are of the Neo-Conservative right, like to play the Semite-card towards those who dare to criticize the warmongering of those who the Wilsonian right.

The irony of this whole thing is the following: Robert Stacy McCain used to be solidly in the Paleo-Conservative camp.  Writing for what would be called Anti-Neo-Conservative websites.  Now, that he has become this darling of the Neo-Conservative Blogging World; he is given to tossing people, like me.  Who dared to stand up against the far right, for attacking a woman; who quite honestly, has more class in her pinky finger — than this whole group of losers has in their entire bodies — under the bus, all because I do not fit the mold of what a “True Conservative” blogger must be — that according to the Neo-Conservative right.

The cute part is this; how these people attacked me for having an account on  Which I do have, I cannot post there, because the group knows that I do not agree with the moronic mentality of that forum.  I registered the account, because of an news story, which broke a while back, that involved that forum and I was using the account to find a posting that was not available to the public. However, What about the fact that Robert Stacy McCain is a card-carrying member of the league of the South?  What about the postings of Robert Stacy McCain’s that could be construed as racist in the internet newsgroups?  What about the postings made over at Free Republic, which were removed that McCain posted under an assumed name, which were racist in nature? Nobody cares about that in those circles.  Yet, I am a pariah, because I dare to be honest about my feelings about a group of so-called Conservatives?

The Irony is amazing.

I publically attest and do herby certify that all of the items in this story to be true — So help me God.

Charles Patrick Adkins

Owner and Publisher

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