Around the Sphere….

Here’s some links from the Blog here and others, that I think people coming in via the open trackback system would enjoy.

  1. Sad news about a Murder Suicide that happened near me here.
  2. ASU says they won’t give President Obama a Honorary Degree, then decide they will after all.
  3. AARP tells the Liberal Bloggers to go pound sand.
  4. Glenn Beck is inspiring crazy people, well, except for me.
  5. Some cartoons for the various occasions.
  6. Jack Hunter offers up his thoughts on the “Radical Right”
  7. I offer my thoughts on Christians trying to draw a line from Gay Marriage to Gun violence.


  1. Rachel Lucas shows off her dog Sunny’s Butt!
  2. Tammi’s still out on the left coast working her little heart out. But damned if she didn’t wreck her truck. Already?!?! Damn!
  3. SarahK‘s still alive, but not Blogging much.
  4. DJP over at Biblical Christianity talks about the Cross of Christ and why it’s important
  5. The Evangelical Outpost does the same, basically.
  6. Bob Parks over at Black and Right shares a movie that I think most Libertarians will like.
  7. The Hip Hop Republican talks about the Young Republicans who going to the next level.
  8. Conservative Black Woman shares a entry on how to be a hypocritical Liberal. (you mean besides breathing?)
  9. A very valid point is made at Blackfive.
  10. An interesting, but quite long entry called “Terminator Planet” is over at the American Empire Project

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Trackposted to Blog @, Rosemary’s Thoughts, third world county, Allie is Wired, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Stageleft, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.