Wednesday Midweek Blog round up (Open Track Back Posting)

Here are the top stories on this Blog, since the last round up.

  1. I Live Blogged Hillary’s Speech at the Democratic Party Convention
  2. I was one of the firsts to Blog about MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Jumping on Keith Olbermann during their campaign coverage.
  3. I told Bill Clinton that he just needs to let it go.
  4. The Biden Bounce was more of a blip.
  5. Halp! I’m being chased by Alex Jones Bots!
  6. I post on how the Clinton’s should really, really, really, get over it.
  7. I express my displeasure with James Carville.
  8. I comment on Michelle Obama’s speech.
  9. Chris Muir, the creator of the “Day by Day” Blog cartoon is holding a fundraiser.
  10. There was a plot to murder Barack Obama, which failed, thankfully.
  11. Michelle Malkin was harassed by Alex Jones and some idiots start chanting to kill Michelle Malkin. No shots fired at Jones, A pity.:P
  12. Hope! Change! Unity? Not so much.
  13. Stop the presses! A Liberal tells the truth! (For a change!)
  14. The Weekly Blogs for Borders V-cast is up.
  15. As always, Fred Barns is an idiot.
  16. Democratic Party restores voting rights to Michigan and Florida at the convention.
  17. Edwards campaign is giving money back to donors, but only the big ones.
  18. Catharsis?
  19. Oh yes they did… The Olympics edited Led Zeppelin.
  20. Another Pity, Nancy Pelosi gives a gunman the slip…. damn it.
  21. Biden might have a problem, or two.

….and here’s those trackbacks!

Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Blog @, Mark My Words, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, DragonLady’s World, Shadowscope, , Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, third world county, , The World According to Carl, , The Pink Flamingo, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

32 Replies to “Wednesday Midweek Blog round up (Open Track Back Posting)”

  1. Pingback: The Pink Flamingo
  2. Pingback: Democrat=Socialist
  3. Pingback: The Amboy Times
  4. Pingback: Rhymes With Right
  5. Pingback: Democrat=Socialist
  6. Pingback: Democrat=Socialist
  7. Pingback: Cao's Blog
  8. Pingback: Cao's Blog
  9. Pingback: Rhymes With Right

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