Baptist Christian Missionary is in need of help

I don’t normally post such stuff, but I am a Christian and I am a Baptist. Sometimes there are some things that are bigger than politics.

This news comes via the Victory Baptist Press, which sends me e-mails of various stories of interest:

John Gray, veteran missionary to Papua New Guinea, is still recovering from typhoid and is temporarily in Brisbane, Australia, with his wife, Mary, the daughter of Dr. Don Green of Lansing, Michigan,  who is there for treatments fighting for her life from liver and lung cancer.  Their medical expenses have the Grays in an emergency need. John is in a desparate situation: The way they operate in Australia is that they don’t let the bill get really big.  They expect payment or they discontinue treatments. That’s why this is so important!

From the website of Missionary John Gray:

The following is a synopsis of my battle with my cancer.

Let me take you back to the beginning of this journey….

Our daughter Ilava graduated from the 12th Grade in December, 2005. In the preparations for everything (including my parents coming for the celebration) I did a lot of cleaning. I began to experience pain in my chest and felt it was only a pulled muscle. When the pain persisted, I flew to the city during our April school break. I had a mammogram and a tumour was found in my left breast. It was removed and found to be only fibrocystic.

However, his outlook is to be commended:

Our lives are in God’s hands. He is in total control. His grace and strength have been abundant and constant. We serve an unfailing God. He has met our every need through the lives of others. Especially through the folk of Good Shepherd Baptist Church. He is faithful! Our faith is in His plan for our lives. He is Able!

Now, I know that times are hard, and that everyone is tightening their belts — especially me. But if there is a chance that medicine can save this person. Don’t you think that this man deserves that chance? I do. So, head on over and give a man of God a chance at life.

I always believe that the missionaries of this would are the ones who are actually following the mandate set forth by Christ, which says:

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28:19-20 KJV)

This man has done that, he has a great reward coming, when his time is due. I am quite sure that he has much more to do here, before his time. So, head on over and make a big donation.

Thank You so much. 🙂

Beware of Gail Riplinger

I received this via e-mail. It appears that Gail Riplinger, so-called advocate of the KJV has a serious problem….

I have one thing to say to Mrs. Riplinger, if she wants to try and sue me.

Bring it on bitch!

Here’s the story:


January 15, 2010 (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143,; for instructions about subscribing and unsubscribing or changing addresses, see the information paragraph at the end of the article) –

Gail Riplinger, the favorite female preacher of a shocking number of Independent Baptists, is now threatening to sue the elderly Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Waite. She has demanded that he (and me, as well) make immediate and public retractions and apologies.

I have published two articles about Riplinger in recent weeks, “Gail Riplinger’s Lies to Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Waite” (November 24, 2009) and “Gail Riplinger’s Lies to the Waites Part 2” (December 14, 2009). These were based on published reports by the Waites. The essence of these articles is as follows:

In 2007, the Waites received uncertified reports that Riplinger had been divorced twice and married thrice. On October 24 of that year, they called her to inquire about the matter, and Mrs. Riplinger expressly told them that she had been married only once, to her current husband Mike Riplinger. Wanting to be certain that she wasn’t misunderstood and wanting to be absolutely sure of the matter, Mrs. Waite posed the question in a variety of ways, but Gail strongly denied that she had ever had any other marriages. As a result, Dr. Waite defended her at the Princeton King James Bible Conference in January 2008. When someone inquired at a question-answer session if Riplinger was divorced, Waite said that he had confirmed directly from her that this was not true. In June 2008, the Waites, having decided to pursue the matter further, obtained certified copies of Gail Riplinger’s three marriage licenses and two divorce papers.

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On My Desk: Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity

It just arrived today…

Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity

Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity

The only difference between the one pictured above and mine, is mine is brown. Pictured above is the fourth Edition and mine is the fifth Edition.

You can click here to read more about it.

This is possibly the best $25.00 that I have ever spent in my life. I highly recommend one of these to anyone that studies the Word of God, Loves the King James Bible and is a Fundamental Baptist or someone who just believes the Word of God.

Disclosure: I was NOT compensated  by David W. Cloud to write this entry. I bought this Product out of my own money and therefore I felt the need to blog about it.