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I want to share this video, but first a few thoughts of my own…
Over the course of my blogger career here, I have written repeatedly about the Internationalist Democrats, who have sold the American Worker up the river on more than one occasion. President Bill Clinton did it, with the signing of the NAFTA and TAFTA agreements and now President Barack Obama is doing it with exporting oil from Brazil. The problem is, Obama wants to fight against the American oil companies and their monopoly on the prices of gas. In the process of this, he is tossing under the bus, the most important part of his own base —- The American Worker.
Honestly, If President Obama wants to do something to lower gas prices, then maybe he should put pressure on the OPEC cartel and start demanding that they lower prices of oil, further more; President Obama should start going after the oil speculators, who drive up the cost of oil. Again, it is another example of how Internationalist Democrats fight battles, exactly backwards of how they should be fought. This video proves that.
To my Democratic Party friends — this is whom you elected in 2008.
Enjoy the Video:
“This is great irony.”
o….you are so not kidding.
Project: Beyond the Spill
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