This is what happens when ACORN thugs are confronted by real Americans

This comes via NY Gathering of Eagles:


ACORN and their new front group Act Now were pwned by Tea Party Patriots again on Long Island!

When they couldn’t win their arguments with facts, the ACORN employees tried to intimidate the Tea Party folks. No way that could work with dedicated Patriots! So ACORN cut and run when the going got tough, and repeated that sorry performance twice in one day.


I’m no reporter so bear with me. Today I felt the same pride inside me matching the feeling I get whenever I read of our Founding Fathers’ activism. It might sound over exaggerated, but it doesn’t change how I feel. Today we scored a victory some may see as trivial, I see as momentous. Either way as a patriot it is overwhelming. Today I witnessed and participated in seeing ‘grass-roots folk’ come together in an instant and square off with, as of yesterday, an unchallenged foe in our cause-ACORN. We arrived at King Kullen this morning in Commack and as planned found ACORN petitioners signing up unaware patrons of the shopping center coming and going. They were asking people to sign a petition favoring Obama’s Health Care plan. We were there to give the other side and people listened.

ACORN produced four ‘workers’ we amassed 40 patriots complete with signs, banners, flyers, stickers, posters and a few loud voices.

ACORN 4 – Patriots 40.

I was told they were ‘workers’ for the organization We-Can(?) We were the people on the street giving up a beautiful warm Saturday morning to be heard.

I once read that 1 man defending his home is worth 20 paid mercenaries sent to destroy it. Believe it.

ACORN being outnumbered, out voiced and literally out debated left the area in a hurry. We followed.

After receiving communication that they fled to Stop and Shop in Bohemia 40+ patriots showed up and overwhelmed them there too. What a sight. Again ACORN took flight. They didn’t know how to react other then demanding we leave. We demanded an equal moment of time to discuss the meat and potatoes of the Obama health Care plan, they refused and retreated. I witnessed many passersby refusing to sign their petition; one even scratched their name off the list after we spoke to them. Almost every person I encountered was interested and I was relieved as almost all agreed with us. There was a little drama when a passerby vehemently argued for the plan, it was contentious but that’s liberty and democracy at work.

The only news agency seen was a local group from Alternative News based here on LI. The police were on scene, but remained out of the way as we did our own policing and respecting of the peace.

Score this a huge victory. I hope this inspires everyone to get up and get off the side-lines. You want change, than be silent no more! Silence is another form of consent, don’t be silent-don’t consent.

Known organizations present and represented: Campaign for Liberty, CSA, 9/11 Glenn Beck group, and by me. Others were ordinary people who heard last night and dropped their plans and showed up. What a moment.

Ever notice what color them liberal acorn thugs were?

The reason I bring this up is because real White Liberals are not the ones who will run out into the trenches and do the dirty work. They let their resident useful idiots get out there do the hard work; African-Americans! Sort of a 21 century plantation operation. Why do they do this? Because the Democratic Party, has been using the African-American vote since the 1960’s. To do this, they employ people like Al Sharpton to keep stirring the waters of Racial hatred toward the white people; to somehow convince them that the “White Man” is keeping them down.

You would think that they could have at least come a bit more prepared than this though.

Hope! Change! Intimidation!  The Brave New World under the Faux Post Racial President. President Bambi Teleprompter!

Others: Gateway Pundit