Negro Kentucky Columnist Attacks Michelle Malkin

Well, it seems that the myth that Barack Hussein Obama was going to usher in a new era has been officially disproved.

Some unknown hosebag negro who thinks she can write has attacked Michelle Malkin.

Columnist Betty Beye writes:


I don’t recall ever using that word before in a column, but it’s a great description of how some folks are behaving toward President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama…

…To be sure, the flummoxed come in all shapes, sizes and colors. There’s Rush Limbaugh, the perpetually angry white guy, and Michelle Malkin, the acidic Asian-American columnist, who has written that the mere sight of Michelle Obama on a video frightened her young son. And don’t forget Thomas Sowell, the African-American economist and syndicated columnist. All are apoplectic about Barack Obama’s rise.

First of all, Michelle Malkin is an American. You would never see here call herself a Asian-American or Philippine-American or any of that sort. She’s a true-blue American who has assimilated our culture, Unlike the Negro Liberals who want to hold on to thier African culture and want to try and change OUR culture here in America.  Of course, you would have known this; if you would have stopped eating your Cheetos and drinking your grape Kool-Aid long enough to get off your lazy butt and actually do some research on Michelle Malkin. [Fixed: thanks to commentor BayAreaPhilosopher!]

It amazes me that people like this women here, are so damned Jealous of Michelle’s success as a syndicated Columnist and Conservative Blogger, that they have to stoop to the low brow attacks.

Nothing pisses me off more than a uppity black woman with an attitude. Kind of like Michelle Obama. 🙄

Update: I know some idiot Liberal is going to read through my Blog and see this here, and most likely attack me for it.  Well, let me say this here. I wrote this article in the confrontational style that I did because of this woman’s obvious racist comments in her column. “Angry White Man?” and “Asian-American?” and even going as far to slam a fellow Black man, because he doesn’t get in line with the Liberal thought process? Isn’t that a plantation mentality? Isn’t that a facist mantality? Anyhow, I didn’t let the racist crap fly in the posting linked, because my fight with Black Liberal is not about SKIN COLOR, but about thier stupid liberalism. Period. End of Story. My Blog, My Rules, Trolls not wanted or needed.

7 Replies to “Negro Kentucky Columnist Attacks Michelle Malkin”

  1. Hi there –

    I’m pretty sure

    a) The Philippines are in Asia
    b) Filipinos are Asians
    c) Filipino-Americans are Asian Americans.


    1. Yeah, Point taken. But why would she use that sort of language? I’ll tell you why! Because she’s a Black Racist bigot. Not to mention a black BITCH!

  2. Bay Area philosopher, mere fact that you use hyphens to describe ones race shows you are categorizing, or putting barriers. Why not simply use “Americans”? You are in this country, right? You benefit from this country, right? Why is it necessary to put barriers for everyone? Everyone that chose to come to this country, ought to embrace the country as ONE, not as “Asian-American”, “African-American”, or any other “Nationality-American”. Be as ONE – ONE nation! And that is AMERICAN!

  3. Hi there –

    You liberals crack me up. Denying the differences between people is typical collectivist nonsense. In Communist China everyone is the same, or encouraged to be the same, or else. In Soviet Russia entire countries were told that they were no longer Uzbek or Turks but Russians, and they had better assimilate, or else. Furthermore, I don’t understand why it would be a ‘barrier’ to be Asian American or Irish American or anything else.


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