Was the Tea Party just a bunch of Hot Air?

As you all know, I am operating under a new set of rules now; so, I have to be very careful about how I word things now. Basically, I believe this below to be about Mitt Romney and less about the Tea Party. The problem with Romney, outside of being a flip-flopper, has his own set of problems, that Christian Conservatives, Republicans, and Tea Party people should be very worried about, and that my friends is not bigotry, it is the truth.

Scott Galupo writes:

I think the rest of the answer lies in the Tea Party itself.

About a year ago, I wondered whether the Tea Party was something to respect and/or fear, as it seemed to be throughout 2009 and into the 2010 primary season, or if it was “just a bloc of conventional conservatives in anti-authoritarian drag.”

Twelve months later, the question answers itself.

The Tea Party is/was composed primarily of religious conservatives, seniors worried about Obamacare’s impact on Medicare, and anti-immigrant curmudgeons. The libertarian ethos the movement projected was an utter fiction, and one that the national press corps briefly lent credence to.

In her Iowa speech last month, former Gov. Sarah Palin offered a fleeting glimpse of what the Tea Party was supposed to represent—a transpartisan attack on the bosom buddies Big Government and Big Business. More recently, Conor Friedersdorf muses quixotically about what a potential Tea Party-Occupy Wall Street alliance would look like.

The problem is Tea Partyers, as conventional conservatives, were never intellectually prepared to deliver on this threat. There’d been talk about ending corporate welfare in Republican circles for years. The TARP bailouts added a powerful new ingredient to this critique.

But when it came down to it, what did Wall Street and corporate America ever have to fear from the Tea Party? Lower corporate taxes and regulatory rollback? Seriously?

If CEO types truly fear a freer free market, why do they constantly complain on the shout shows of being “handcuffed” by Washington? And for crying out loud, didn’t I watch the Tea Party movement go viral on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade?

The Tea Party, ultimately, had nothing new to say.

Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, and Herman Cain can take a measure of comfort in this fact when their candidacies eventually conclude.

via The Tea Party Was Just a Giant Temper Tantrum –Plugin Scott Galupo (usnews.com).

As for the Tea Party, I had wrote a while back that I was skeptical of the actual movement itself. The problem was that the Tea Party movement itself was co-opted by Republican operative organizations like freedomworks and the like. At that point, is when the grassroots stopped controlling the movement and the beltway crowd started controlling it.

As for his comments about Herman Cain; there are quit wrong, Herman Cain is the current frontrunner in the Primary race, and unless this guy is trying to be an underhanded racist, I believe his comment is way off. I mean it is bad enough, that we have liberal blacks attacking Herman Cain, now he has to be attacked from a so-called Conservative, from the right? I mean, the guy worked for freaking John Bonher, what does that tell you?

I will say this; if Herman Cain does eventually withdraw from the primary race; it will not be because he did not try. It will be because of the liberal controlled and owned media destroyed him and because of the Republican establishment, who still has not completely gotten over the days of Trent Lott and his ilk — simply refused to acknowledge him as a serious contender. I will also give a warning to the Republican establishment, if you reject Herman Cain and he does end up going back to Atlanta, you will never live it down. As the Liberal Media and the Democratic Party will never, ever let you live that down. It does not matter what the Liberal blacks did, that will never be brought up, but what will be brought up is how a white-controlled and financed political party, basically told a black CEO to “get real buckwheat.” and proceeded to try and discredit him. Trust me, it will happen, the left is just waiting for the outcome of the race.