Video: A PERFECT example of why I will never vote Democratic Party, ever again

This comes via Tina over at HotAir.

A perfect example of the extremely stupid mentality of the far left and not so far left in this Country.


Tina Says:

As one commenter put it on NewsBusters, the phrase won’t die because “the lefties like those nifty chants. ‘Bush acted on bad intelligence – people died,’ just doesn’t have the catchiness of ‘Bush lied – people died.’”

Another thing Tina did not mention in her piece is this; the opposition over the Iraq War was not over concern of the Iraqi’s. The truth is, the left did not honestly give two flips about those people. The entire Anti-War movement was entirely partisan. You say, I’m wrong? — then, tell me — where are the protests now that President Obama is in office!?!?

This video above, is another reason in a litany of reasons why I will never vote Democratic Party ever again. It is because of the blatant hypocrisy of the people. I would rather someone be truthful with me, than blow smoke up my rear end, when it comes to politics and that is what the Democratic Party has done for as long as I can remember. The sick part is, they have done for years and for what? Votes. They do it to blacks, they do it to Latinos, they do it to almost everyone that wants a handout. Democrats don’t teach achievement, they teach dependence, on the Government. I want to vote for someone, who will try to cut through the B.S. — so that I can start a small business or two. Maybe get this blog registered as a business, so that I can try to get some investment capital. But you think I am going to try it now, with all this idiotic nonsense in the way, with the Obama White House? Not on your life! I’d also like to start a business related to my hobby. But, I cannot, not with things the way they are now!

Just wanted to share this one; because this one here, hit home with me as a former “Left of Center.”

Another thing too, if this genius does not know the difference between a “lie” and a “mistake,” he needs to seriously get the heck off MSNBC’s airwaves and go back to school.

 Update: Blogger Round up at Memeorandum