The left is not happy with President Barack Obama

First of all, Video of his biggest and most outspoken of his supporters: (Via Real Clear Politics)

Then there is this, which comes via Polipundit:

Its time to turn our backs to President Obama.
“I am so not alone here in bright blue oregon with my disgust and utter disappointment in Obama.”

It’s Too Late – 2012 Will Mark The Final Takeover
“The 2012 elections have already been decided in favor of a neo-fascist-controlled Republican party.”

President Obama spits on his own record, on the law, and on his base …
“The President’s decision flies in the face of — spits on — this Administration’s record, the law, and every single independent review of the costs and benefits of environmental regulation.”

Discord in the House the New Deal Built
“Yes, I’ll vote for Obama when the time comes because, as I’ve said before, the alternative is worse– but that means that Obama has become a ‘lesser of two evils’ candidate and that is not something to be proud of. That is ‘status quo’ when I was promised ‘change’.”

What’s the difference between Obama and Romney?
“This isn’t snark, I actually can’t really tell anymore.”

Nixon: more liberal than Obama?
“By many measures, Nixon was more of a liberal than Obama.”

All of those posts are from TheDailyKos. Which is a liberal community Blog.

The Republican Party is gearing up to defeat President Barack Obama in 2012; something tells me, that they are not going to have to work very hard at all.


2 Replies to “The left is not happy with President Barack Obama”

  1. You don’t seem to understand: if the Left doesn’t like Obama it’s because he’s behaving like a Republican.

    So… If behaving like a Republican is what’s making him unpopular… why then are the Republicans going to win?

    I don’t think you thought this one through.

    1. Actually, the reason why he will lose and the Republicans will win is because the left will not turn out for Obama in 2012, like they did in 2008.

      Mainly because Obamas policies have largely failed the American people. Like me for instance. I figured that once Bush was gone and Obama was put in, he wpuld do something and the economy would recover. Here’s your wake up call; it didn’t —– especially here in the Detroit, Michigan area, where I live at.

      The hard truth is, the Republicans did not have jack shit to do with that either. They were in the minority in congress when all that stimulus spending went through; but where are the jobs? THERE AIN’T ANY! that’s because spending money does not grow a fucking economy!!!!! Getting government out of the way does! Allowing offshore drilling does, so businesses do not have to pay so much for freaking gas! That way they can hire more employees.

      So, your stupid comment is, like most liberals, wrong.

      But, thanks for playing.

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