UPDATED WITH VIDEO: Herman Cain wins FL straw poll

I must confess, I am shocked. I didn’t think Cain would win at all.

Go read about it here.

I will say this; Herman Cain had better get a foreign policy plan figured out and quick. Because if he is to go any further, he will have to get one together and quick.

MSM Story on the win.

Here’s the roundup via Memeorandum:

Byron York / Campaign 2012: — In FL straw poll, a late surge for Herman Cain

St. Petersburg Times: Herman Cain wins Presidency 5 straw poll

Reaction:: Washington Examiner, Don SurberHot Air, Politics, Fox News, Sunshine State SarahGretawire, PoliPundit.com

Update: A little tribute from a very well known Republican:

That mountain top is closer, than it was a few hours ago! 😀

Update #2: Look at the reaction of the crowd when the results were announced. You can’t fake that kind of happy!

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