
Seeing that last post was a bit negative. I needed something to push back to the normal funny that’s found around here.

So, I thought I’d link to this.

A thought: Who the heck eats in a restaurant with their laptop, next to their food?!?! 😯  Ugh.

Most be a regional thing or a geeky thing. Because when I’m munching, you know; like this? I tend to put my laptop away, as not to get food on it and in it. πŸ™„

Either way, I thought the pictures were great and I thought I’d link to them.

Quotable Quote:

BTW Stacy’s shot is at my usual table at the restaurant but for two blogging we needed a bigger table.

…and him being a big guy had zero to do with it, right?(…and believe you me, I speak’a from’a experience here!)

There is a river called “da Nile. πŸ˜‰

At least RSM and ‘Da old guy took their hats off! πŸ˜›


2 Replies to “Heh.”

  1. Let me elaborate. When I go to that restaurant I normally sit at the Sinatra table, but since Stacy McCain was with me and we both planned to post we sat at the table for 4 with our food beside us as we typed.

    But a Shot at the Sinatra table is more representative of where I usually am.

    1. Let me elaborate.

      (said in best Curly Howard voice) Oh No! Not that! 😯

      As for the rest. I know, I was picking with ya… πŸ˜‰

      Point taken with the table seating.

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