Updated: Deranged stalker bloggers howl

I have a couple, one of them, in an atheist.

The other one, is this guy.

From what I am told, this guy is a Iraq War veteran and suffered a closed head injury; he takes medication for post traumatic stress syndrome. But there are times, when he strays and then proceeds to write stuff like what you just viewed. — Update: Some might take that is a slam towards the Military; IT IS NOT! I respect this man’s service to our Country. However, it does NOT give him a pass to attack me for stupid stuff that happened five years ago.

For the record, he is rambling on about stuff that happened back in 2006.

That is when I took Michelle Malkin, the neo-con psycho Blogger to the mat and said; “What’s good for them, is good for you!” and posted an address that I thought was hers. I got it from here. Turns out, she had not lived there for like 3 or 4 years; and that old address has long since been removed from that site. I consider this a feather in my cap, she is, as Debbie Schlussel has repeatedly pointed out and exposed, is nothing more than a two-bit hypocrite. Who railed against entitlements, all the while taking advantage of them in college, among other ways. Anyone who reads that blog of her’s knows this. This might explain her reduction of influence in the Blogosphere.

The other, is when another Neo-Con blogger attacked me first. His name is Mike Hendrix (or some spelling variation of that spelling) and I responded; now I will be the first to admit — I wish I had never responded to that first attack, but I did and boy did I go about it the wrong way, and an innocent person, who died in a very tragic way, got brought into it. I will always carry that with me.  🙁 I’ve written and said this before and I will say this again. If I’d known who she was; or my default known Mike’s full name, I would have never made the idiotic comment about her. I swear on my dead grandmother’s grave on that one. 🙁

Update #2: Another thing that this psycho neo-con Blogger is mumbling on about,; is the fact that I have — or at least did have — is an account at Stormfront.org forum. The truth is, it was an account, simply for research, once they figured out, that I was not one of “them”. They removed my posting access. This is because I voiced some dissent to some of the mindless stupidity that emanates from that cesspool of mindless idiots who frequent that forum. Now that group is an interesting crowd. 😯  So, yes, I did have account there — but it was not for what you think it was! 😀 Again as I have said in my videos and said here in writing — if I was even remotely HALF as crazy, Neo-Nazi, racist or whatever — I would not be living here, that is for sure!  Yes, my mother; who is a saint, would toss me on my ear! 😮

The rest of it is just utter B.S. and childish nonsense — written by someone, who is a very sick and mentally unstable person, I’m told. Sad case that is…

As anyone knows that read this blog. I am not a Ron Paul Fan, at all. As many a blogger on the right has said, Ron Paul might have some good ideas on fiscal policy; his foreign policy is just unrealistic.

The accusations of Antisemitism and racism are, in fact, bogus and come right from this School of thought here. Which is, in fact, the playbook that the liberals play from; but these psycho bloggers, are supposedly Conservative. It is because they are Neo-Cons. Neo-Cons and Liberals play from the same playbook. They do it with Debbie Schlussel and they do it to me; because they cannot shut me or Debbie down, and cannot control my thoughts. So, they stoop to stupidity like this and it is so wrong. It makes them look like idiots, and left just looks at it, and says, “Yup, that is the crazy right. Eating their own.”

It is a sad situation. They simply cannot get over things that happened years ago. I have moved on, I have realized that the left is just simply wrong, that mindset of, “I want mine and yours too!” is wrong and I am now on the right side of things. But this psycho blogger and his furry friends simply cannot move on. So, every now and again, he lashes out to try to discredit me. Not that it works, but he does try. But simply makes himself look like the crazy one. Which is about normal, for him and his psycho neo-con friends.