To my cowardly anonymous stalker

Who deleted his account on Reddit, because he knew he was not going to win the debate.

My last words to your stupid ass:

No it isn’t. It is a medical procedure, the right to which has been ruled >constitutional by the SCOTUS. Try to be graceful when you lose an >argument little man.

You just proved my point, that you are nothing more than a Godless, Baby-murdering liberal. and by the way, fuck civility and graciousness; as your side isn’t really good at it either.

see here:

Like I said, the issue was a non-starter and when you saw that you were not going to get what you fucking wanted; which was a concession of a point, you started the fucking gutter sniping. So, you know what turd?  Fuck you and your smugly over-educated self. You enlightened liberals are nothing more than over-educated idiots who wish to steal liberty from the rest of us and use it for your own vile purposes.

A Revolution is coming mother fucker, and when we’re done, the lot of you will change or die. Preferably the latter. 😡

There, now I got the last word on that asshole. Again, don’t come here and gutter snipe and try to convince me that I am wrong about Abortion and gay rights, because it will get you told to go play hide and go fuck yourself. I don’t concede anything on those points at all.

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