Sarah Palin is scared of bears

No, I do not mean Andrew Sullivan…. 😯

What? Why are you looking at me like that for? 😉 😛

If she is scared of bears, how will she run Washington D.C. and control Democrats?

Memo to Sarah Palin: Go home, please! No one cares about you and that train wreck family anymore! 🙄

If she is not a textbook example of what White Trash is, I don’t know what is… Sorry, I cannot stand her at all.


4 Replies to “Sarah Palin is scared of bears”

  1. She is standing there waving a fishing pole, facing something that is faster, stronger and better-suited for combat just a few yards away from her.

    Kind of like Harry Reid waving Obamacare and facing Sharon Angle. You can understand why she (and he) would be concerned.

    I too would prefer less drama from the extended Palin clan, but as “dumb” as she is Mrs. Palin and her Facebook page punch well above their weight compared to the President and the trappings of the White House, including the boot-licking press. She has a far better innate feel for the electorate and the centers of gravity in political contests than our current national leadership.

    Don’t forget that Reagan was considered by the press and many establishment Republicans to be too extreme in his political views and insufficiently intellectual to be the GOP nominee, much less President. The longer BHO keeps tacking left, seeming detached and focusing on solving secondary problems in ways that a majority of Americans disagree with rather than sticking with jobs, jobs, jobs the more likely someone with a sense of humor, upbeat disposition and a focus on basic principles (like, oh, SP) is to beat him in 2012. At this point I think Chris “Too Big To Fail” Christie is a better bet given Palin’s press-aided near-pratfall into the public consciousness, but you never know.

    This no matter how WT she and her family seem to be. Other WT families have made it into the White House (cf, Jimmy Carter).

    1. True. I still cannot stand her. She’s an idiot. Hell, I’d rather have a Mormon like Romney in there; than her. Anyone…. But HER.

    1. Actually, they just laugh at her.

      But my issue with her, can be summed up in two words:

      Gender Entitlement

      Quite bluntly, the woman thinks that she is entitled to be President of the United States, because she is a woman. That is the SAME damned stupid mentality that the liberals had with Hillary Clinton —- and it is wrong. I am sorry; but your sex organs do not make you entitled to be anything at all, at least not in my book. You want to be President or do anything else in politics? You have to earn that privilege —- just like everyone else.

      People like to call that feckless woman, Reagan in a skirt; which is, straight up BULLSHIT. She served a HALF of a term in Alaska as Governor — A HALF a TERM! Reagan Served from January 3, 1967 to January 7, 1975 as the 33’rd Governor of California. He was NOT afraid of Democrats and stood UP to them and won. This idiot woman bailed, because she could not handle the criticism of the other party.

      Therefore, she is unqualified to be the leader of ANYTHING, much less her own household, that attempted covered up pregnancy of her daughter was proof of that.

      I don’t hate her because of her Christianity or Conservatism, I dislike her, because she wants to use her damn vagina to get into the White House and I believe that is wrong. I also believe that she does not have the leadership ability to be President of the United States of America. Period.

      If that makes me a damn hater, than fine so be it; I will take that badge. But it is the truth and clear thinking Americans knows that it is truth.

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