Local News: Jennifer Petkov apologizes to family that she mocked

Update #1: Sorry gang, but after having to delete a ton of threatening comments on here, in the moderation cue. I’ve decided to close the comment section on this and the other related entries to this story. I am all for freedom of speech; but this is just outright stupidity. So, they’re closed.

Update #2: If you liked my coverage of this story, please, feel free to hit my tip jar. I am a full time blogger and I, like many others, have been out work since 2005. That’s not a joke, it is the truth. Any all help would be appreciated. If that link does not work, click on the jar to the left of your screen. Thanks. 🙂

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Just an update to a story that I posted about earlier.

Via Fox News Detroit:

The Story:

Jennifer Petkov told FOX 2’s Ronnie Dahl Friday night that she never really meant any ill wishes towards Kathleen Edward or her family.

Scott and Jennifer Petkov even went so far as to display a lighted candle on their porch at the same time dozens of strangers were gathering across the street in front of Kathleen’s home.

“If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t do it,” Jennifer Petkov told Ronnie Dahl. “And to that little girl, I apologize if you’ve been hurt. There’s not much more I can say. And hopefully we can live our lives peacefully from now on.”

Actually, what happened was, she got on TV and acted like an arrogant asshole; and did not think or did not know that the story would go viral. Well, it did and they had to endure a shit storm. Now, she is is a bit more humble about it. My Mom, who is usually more forgiving about stuff like this; does not buy this woman’s apology one iota. I will not even get into what she thinks should happen to this woman. Needless to say, I was a bit shocked about what my Mom had to say about it. 😯

Anyhow, I still think the woman is an asshole; but I also think that she should be left alone. So, if you’ve come here via search engine, and are plotting —- forget about it. She is not worth it, and she should be allowed to live her life in peace. She did apologize on TV, now whether she is sincere or not — is another story. But we have to take it a face value and let her be. I am willing to do so, and so should you.

That is all… 😀