Juan Williams hits back at his old employer

I watched this last night and man was Juan Williams angry. You could see it in his eyes. I could, at least.

Here’s Juan really giving it to his former employer:

Turns out, Juan is not only person angry. Check out these quotes, and be sure to follow the links with them.

One thing is for sure, this story is not going away anytime soon. NPR screwed up in a big way and they are going to pay the price —– big time.

This proves what I have known about this type of liberals, which are the “Saul Alinsky” type of liberals, of whom the “New Left” admired and the “Neo Left” studied and learned from; they believe in freedom of speech —- as long as it does not go around their orthodoxy. The minute you stray away from that orthodoxy, they use every Saul Alinsky tactic in the books.

The sad part is; there are some on right that use these same tactics towards those they disagree with, most likely towards those on the left. But sometimes, it is used against people on the right. I ought to know, it was used against me.

That is what separates me from the Neo-Conservative right; I do not believe in using those tactics — at all for any purpose at all. Because it makes us look no different than the left. Which is why I do not ID myself as a Republican or even a Right Winger. I like to think of myself as a Berry Goldwater or Pat Buchanan type. However, I do have disagreements with some of what the Paleo-Con right says or believes.

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