Honestly, Why does this moron continue this idiotic crap?

Just when I thought Sarah Palin was the biggest moron on the so-called “Right”, this idiot comes along and takes the damned cake.

The Video:

The Story:

This “Heckler”, who actually made it on to the stage, can only be described as Superhero-like, with snow white hair, lean physique, and a very tan complexion. The Heckler has been identified as none other than the candidate ”of the people”, the “ I need your vote, what should I say now” candidate, the “ what do the pollsters think I should do” candidate. The “Heckler” of whom I refer to was none other than Governor Charlie “The Chuckster” Crist.

Rubio was responding to Governor Crist’s politically expedient ‘flip-flops’ on the issues, when Governor Crist lost it and began a rant that was aimed to talk over Rubio, simply to try to muzzle Rubio from laying a smackdown on him by detailing the reasons for the Governor’s change in party affiliation and the notorious, well documented changes in his positions on the issues.

Rubio delivered the line of the campaign when he said that he had been heckled before from the audience, but never by one of his opponents on stage. Rubio called Crist a “heckler” several times during the exchange.

via “Heckler” Disrupts Florida U.S. Senate Debate | The Shark Tank.

Charlie Crist is a god-damned moron and an embarrassment to the Republican Party. Sometimes, I think this dude makes Palin look sane. The man lost the damned primary and now, he is running as an independent — what an idiot. When he loses, it will be only a good thing. 😡

Others: Hot Air, JammieWearingFool

3 Replies to “Honestly, Why does this moron continue this idiotic crap?”

  1. You have apparently not gotten the memo. Charlie Crist is not a Republican, he’s Independent. Marco Rubio is the Republican.

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