Patterico makes a pretty fair point, BUT!

I hate to say it; but when the guy makes sense, the guy makes sense:

And make no mistake: voters probably handed a Senate seat to Democrats last night. Castle voters were polled and said they prefer the Democrat 2-1 over O’Donnell. It’s not impossible for her to win if the stars align just right. But wishing upon the stars works in the movies; in real life, not so much.

After O’Donnell’s victory, Sarah Palin issued a call for “unity” among Republicans. I fully support this and support candidate O’Donnell. She has deep flaws, but I’d rather see my flawed candidate in the Senate than the other side’s flawed candidate.

However, I can tell you that Palin’s “unity” directive is going to be hard to implement.

Part of the problem is the Republican establishment, which let slip the fact that they do not intend to give O’Donnell a cent to pursue her quixotic ambitions. The decision not to fund her mostly hopeless candidacy is defensible. The decision to announce that decision on election night is unforgivable.

If O’Donnell loses — I’m thinking “when” but saying “if” for the sake of our “unity” — Tea Partiers will not look for blame in the mirror. Establishment Republicans have given them a ready-made scapegoat, and they will flog it all the way to 2012.

Another part of the problem lies in the insufferable gloating of O’Donnell supporters over what was a fairly predictable primary victory. It does not foster “unity” to declare that O’Donnell beat “Mike Castle, Allahpundit, Charles Krauthammer, and Jim Geraghty.” It does not foster “unity” to label Paul Mirengoff a “loser” who needs to wear a dress for noting the obvious obstacles O’Donnell faces. If Twitter is any reflection of the mood among conservatives, I saw civil war last night. The Levin acolytes going around mimicking his name-calling behavior are hardly seeking “unity.”

With all their toldya so’s, you’d think these people had won the general election instead of handing it to the opposition.

If Sarah Palin truly seeks “unity,” at some point she is going to need to rein these people in.

Indeed, Patterico makes a good point. However, there is another side to this story; which I want to share with you all.

I was talking in private with Dan Riehl and I mentioned that I live here in the Detroit, Michigan area. Quite bluntly folks; The Democratic Party’s socialist policies; have screwed this area straight to hell.  30% Unemployment just in the city of Detroit. 30% —- that is a whole bunch of people out of work! In the proper CITY alone! Let’s not even get into the percentage of people that are unemployed here in the suburbs! Believe you me; it is a MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more, than you might think! That is not even mentioning the people that are, what is referred to as underemployed — or not making enough to even making their bills. Like family members of mine, who are just barely getting by.  We need a business-friendly political climate in Washington DC, not to mention in Michigan — so that Business owners can start putting people back to work — with jobs, real jobs, where people; like those in my family with houses, and children and bills — can make a decent living again.  (…and If *I* happen to score a job too, all the better, this writing and not getting paid is getting a bit old!)

Here is my point: O’Donnell might be a little nutty; she might have been a little dishonest in the past. However, if she can win this election; and makes it to DC and can reverse course on this damned socialist nightmare that we have upon us; especially here in Michigan — then damn it, I am ALL for it!

Here is my other point: Our Nation and the state of Michigan is in a serious crisis; we need real Republican ideals to get this nation back to work. Not RINO, Democratic Party lite stupidity. That sort of crap might have worked by in the days of prosperity; but let me be the one to “wee wee” on the RINO Parade —- That party is over folks, that ship sailed long ago and it is time to get back to our principles of Conservative values. If the Republican Party and the Conservative establishment does not do this; the Republican Party will die and the Nation; as we know it now, might just die with it — and in the end, we will be handing the socialists the victory they so very much desire in the end.

Now as for O’Donnell’s supposed dishonesty… here she is defending herself against the smears: (H/T HotAir)

I think she will be alright. Everyone just needs to give her a chance. Especially the Conservative establishment.