Memo to Fox News Channel: Fire Bob Beckel

I figure if I am going to hammer a liberal Jew for insulting and attacking a Christian man. I had better attack a white “Christian” for attacking a Conservative Jew. I figure it’s that yin-yang thing. All about the balance with me. 😉

The Video:

The Transcript: (Via Pamela Geller)

Here’s something you don’t hear very often from a Fox News Contributor You’re a woman, you better be careful about saying who I carry water for,” but that was the threat Bob Beckel made to my friend, Pamela Geller editor of Atlas Shrugs during a heated exchange on Eric Bolling’s Fox Business News show Money Rocks last night.

After a discussion of the 60 Minutes report on the Ground Zero mosque controversy (that ran the night before) Bolling brought in Ahmed Rehab of the CAIR who instead of discussing the Mosque stooped to calling Ms. Geller names. That’s the same CAIR who was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Terrorist funding case and as recently as this past March, whose terrorist ties were reaffirmed by the FBI.

Then Beckel, looking visibly angry was brought in to discuss an insensitive statement during his last appearance on Money Rocks, in which he said,

Look, at some point, I know it’s sensitive here in New York and probably New Jersey, but we have to get over 9/11.”

Beckel’s response to the query about his statement to tear into Pamela, saying that on her site she once said she felt President Obama was an anti-Semite.

Obviously Beckel felt intimidated by Geller because he could not even look at her while he started his childish name calling. But as he got his “sea legs” the progressive apologist began to get abusive toward
Pamela, still unable to look her in the eye:

Geller:  I would like to address Mr. Beckel’s point.  I don’t know why you’re carrying water for the most radical, intolerant ideology in the world today.  There have been 20,000 documented radical Islamic attacks since 9/11.  Each one with the imprimatur of a Muslim cleric…
Beckel: You better be very careful.  You’re a woman, you better be very careful about who you say I carry water for, because you have no idea what you’re talking about.   And don’t start putting me in the middle of your crap!
Geller: Don’t you point to me!
Beckel: I’ll point to you all I want!
Geller: Don’t you point to me.  You’re a misogynist.
Beckel:  You’re getting yourself fifteen minutes, you get yourself fifteen minutes of fame because you’re (Bolling) picking on a bunch of Muslims.
Geller:  You’re picking on a bunch of women.  You’re a woman hater.
Beckel:  A woman hater?  A woman hater?
Geller: Look how you’re talking to me.  It’s outrageous.
Beckel: You are nuts.

Geller:  Yea, I’m nuts.

According to Yid with a Lid, it got even better during the commercial break:

“When we cut to break, Beckel chided Bolling for not bringing “Jewish slumlords” on the show (referring to Bolling’s segment on Imam Rauf’s status as a New Jersey slumlord, so named in a lawsuit against Rauf by Union City). When I heard Beckel’s Jew-hating belch, I said, “and you’re an anti-Semite.” He told me to “kiss his ass,” to which I responded that he would never get anyone anywhere in the world to get with that.”

Two things; Fox News needs to cut this Bob Beckle jackass loose and put someone on there who is not an asshole and a Antisemitic jerk off, not to mention a damn woman hater. Secondly, This posting here proves to the masses, (and possibly the Semite-card playing masturbating crowd!) that I am not a Neo-Nazi, as I was accused of being earlier; because honestly, If I was as much down with the “Sieg Heil” as I have been accused of being; do you really honestly think that I would be linking to someone like Pemela Geller?!?!? I think not. 🙄

Now, my yig-yang is complete, I can blow pixie dust out of my ass and feel like a complete fucking human being now, I suppose. I guess that is Dennis the Peasant sounding enough. Speaking of which; where the hell has he been at lately?