Jim Hoft defends himself from stupid charges of racism….again

I was not going to blog about this, unless Jim did himself. Finally, he has.

It seems some leftist idiots have once again, using the stupid guilt by association tactic, tried to smear Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit. (Sort of like a few on the right have done to me.)

I realize that Jim Hoft is in among the crowd of people, who have smeared me or is at least friends with them. However, because I am a Christian, Because I am a Conservative — a Paleo-Conservative, but I digress —- who despises liberals and thier idiotic guilt by association nonsense. I will stand up and say something about this.

I noticed these liberal nutballs had linked to my site. For the record, I simply brought  up some of Mr. Hoft’s linking habits at one time; however, I went very much out of way to state that I did NOT think that Jim was a racist — at all.

There is nothing more that infuriates me more than Neo-Conservative warmongering and identity politics on the right —- and that is the collectivist tripe of the far left. Yes, I know it happens on the right too. I know, I have been singled out myself, by some so-called Conservatives. However, they learned that crap from the far liberal left — and it is wrong.

So, to the liberal jack-wads who tried to use me, as a ploy to smear Jim Hoft. Nice try guys. 🙄 But there are just some people, like me, and the rest of the damn Country; that are just a little more smarter than that.

Which is another reason why I will never, ever, vote for a damn Democrat, ever again.

Corrected some grammar errors and made a part of the posting a bit more clear. Sorry about that. 😳

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