UPDATED: Video: Democrat Voters give up on hope and change

Folks, this one hits close to home. I have family that lives over near Albion, Michigan.

Video: (H/T HotAir.com)

The Story via the WSJ:

ALBION, Mich.—Michelle Rena Jones cheered when candidates Barack Obama and Joe Biden visited south-central Michigan in 2008. She supported Mr. Obama that November along with a slate of Democrats, including Mark Schauer in the 7th congressional district.

Job creation is one of the top issues among voters. In districts with high unemployment, that could spell trouble for a host of Democrats in tight congressional races. WSJ’s Neil Hickey reports.

Now, the 40-year-old is rethinking her lifelong support for the party. She has been without steady work for two years, lost her home and car and began receiving cash assistance from the state for the first time. This year, she says, “I’m willing to take a chance on something different.” Another possibility, she says, is that she won’t vote at all.

Ms. Jones is part of an unmeasured, agitated mass: unemployed Americans who don’t believe the Obama Administration and Congress have done enough to produce jobs. With elections coming up, their unease is especially troublesome for the Democrats, who control both chambers.

Welcome to my world! I have been in the same spot, since 2005. Thankfully, and very fortunately; I do not have any children to worry about. I could not imagine having kids in a economy like this.  Some would say, “Well, you live in a bigger area, you should be able to find a job!” Two words: Yeah Right. 🙄 Bigger Area, means more people out of work and more people looking for a job.

It’s tough everywhere folks, don’t let nobody fool you.

Update: TalkLeft, A very liberal Blog says this:

Robert Gibbs and Jane Hamsher can argue all they want about ‘what’s progressive enough,’ but voters care about jobs. And the Obama Administration and Dems have simply failed on this issue. It is why they will lose the November election.

That’s very true. The Democrats and the Obama White House were hell bent on getting a healthcare bill passed, that one half of America did not understand and the other half understood and did not want; but they passed it anyhow. Meanwhile, people like me and Michelle Rena Jones are sitting here — unemployed. 🙄 A lot of damned good that Healthcare bill does one, if you do not have a job. I give great Kudos to “Bing Tent Democrat” for having the “Stones” to say as much.

Something tells me, that the short-lived era of “Home and Change” is officially over, the love affair and novelty of a new black President is over; and now the America people are sitting around going, “Dang, nothing has changed.” Those people will vote accordingly come November 2, 2010.

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