Around the Blogosphere AKA Rule 5 Sunday

Seeing that Smitty has his up, and I have been bitching much lately about how no one links to me. I figure I’ll do my Sunday Stroll around the Blogging World and share some links. Now, I am all for this stuff, but this?:

Every beginning blogger confronts the Zero Hour. You’ve been blogging steadily for a week or two, sending around e-mails, trackbacking where you can, trying to develop some kind of regular traffic. And then, late one night, you think you might have finally composed your first Instalanche-worthy post and you e-mail it to Glenn Reynolds. You go to bed like a 7-year-old kid on Christmas Eve, then wake up at 4 a.m. and check your Site Meter to discover that your latest hourly traffic is . . . ZERO.

At which point, you want to swallow a handful of sedatives, wash it down with a quart of bleach, slit your wrists and stick your head in the oven. You are a complete and utter failure.

Um, might I ever so politely object to that? Yes, I’ve done all that. But I have never wanted to:

swallow a handful of sedatives, wash it down with a quart of bleach, slit your wrists and stick your head in the oven….

Not even once.

Having said that… Here we go around the Blogosphere:

My Hillbilly Buddy from Calhoun has got some good stuff up: (I call him this, because I just KNOW one day he’s gonna come over here and holler at me and say, “I ain’t no Hillbilly from Calhoun!” To which I shall giggle with much Merriment. He is, however, quite the Hillbilly from Georgia; but I digress.)

  1. Seniority as a Liability (Old Geezers… heh, gotta like ’em.. 😛 )
  2. Gay Tea Party Activist Bruce Majors: ‘It’s a Full-Time Job Being a Celebrity Racist’ — (I was wondering when McCain would come outta the closet!)’
  3. Oh, Boy! More BrandiTV! – More of McCain’s Public Masturbation.
  4. Osteon Top Of Things – More of Smitty’s Public Masturbation?

Now we’ll wheel around over to Missouri and waltz over to Jim Hoft’s Joint at Gateway Pundit and see what kinda Far-Right Wing Crazy Stuff Wonderful information he has to share:

  1. Lib Commentater Bill Press Compares “Huckster” Glenn Beck to Al-Qaeda (Video) (Stay Classy Mr. Press, ya jackass… 🙄 )
  2. Jeremiah Wright: People Who Believe Obama Is a Muslim Are Psychopaths (Anyone got a crowbar I can barrow? My Irony meter is in the corner!)
  3. Sen. Landrieu Tries to Tie Beck & Restoring Honor Rally to Hurricane Katrina… Fails (*sniff* *sniff* what’s that smell? Smells like…. Desperation.)
  4. $400 K For State Employee That Never Showed for Work For 12 Years (Man, how come I cannot get lucky like that?)

InstaPundit, who has linked to me before. Always has good stuff. Hell, even his boring stuff is good. 😉

Another great blog is Ace of Spades, or as I like to them; Ace of Spuds:

  1. Economic Strategies: Obama vs. The People
  2. Party Like It’s 1994 1980?
  3. Death by PowerPoint [XBradTC]

Eunomia is also a blog, that I don’t always agree with, but Dan is a good writer:

  1. No, Really, It’s Not 1994 – (Party Pooper)
  2. Romney’s Problem

Conservative Heritage Times is a nice Blog. (It’s Paleo-Conservative,  but don’t hold it against him. 😉 )

  1. Glenn Beck is unclear on the concept

Lew Rockwell is an asshole, an Anti-America Twit, a total farking Bastard….. But every now and again; he publishes something worth linking to:

  1. Good News From the Glenn Beck Rally

I do not read The Daily Beast much, but this one had a title that made me laugh:

  1. Gay Republicans Rising – (Is that a constitution in your pants pocket or are you just really happy to see me?)

Over at Adrienne’s Corner:

  1. Ken Mehlman Speaks Out – and I wish he hadn’t…

Over at All American Blogger:

  1. Weekend Link Love: Pee Wee’s Big Adventure Edition

Over at American Glob:

  1. Photo of the week

Another Great Blog is NiceDoggie.Net, which I do not read enough. Darn it. Anyhow, They’ve got some great stuff up:

  1. Prayer Brigade, Teeeen-SHUN!
  2. Roguetek Update
  3. The Salute
  4. What The Fark Is In The Water Out There?
  5. Mad Chuckles Update

A Blog that I never heard of till today, Athens and Jerusalem:

  1. A Plumber and an Architect, Both with a PhD

Over at And So it goes in Shreveport:

  1. Full Metal Jacket Reach Around: The Catching Up on a Sunday Edition

Another Blog, that I have not always agree with, been known to to tell him where to get the hell off and so forth is KN@PPSTER. He’s not a bad guy, just a little more to the left then me:

  1. Competing, Non-Territorial Blog Post

Another great blog is Cold Fury:

  1. Easy, Thunder.
  2. Watch this drive!

Dan over a POWIP:

  1. Race: Get Over It

Alrighty! That’s it for this weeks Rule 5. If you have a link and you’d like some Rule 5. Drop me a message via the Contact me page on this blog with the subject of RULE 5 LINK Request and I shall add it to next weeks round up.

Enjoy the links and remember to try, if you can, and support these great blogs. These guys do this stuff out of labor of love, like me. But it is always nice to see a little click in the tipjar once and a while!

Thanks ya’ll and see you Monday! 😀