Young people are turning on Obama

(H/T Doug Powers @ Michelle Malkin)

Young people are beginning to realize that the “Magic Negro” was never really magical at all.

Via the New York Post:

Young voters who had been enthralled by Barack Obama’s “Yes, we can” message are now saying “Maybe not” — and are backing away from the president in a worrisome new poll for the White House.

Obama is losing in a match-up against a generic Republican challenger by 37 percent to 34 percent among voters in the 18-34 age group, according to a stunning Quinnipiac University poll released yesterday.

In March, voters in this group approved of Obama by 54 percent to 37 percent.

“The youngest age group may be the most impatient and the most easily disillusioned among all age groups,” said Molly Andolina, a youth-vote expert and DePaul University political-science professor.

For many young voters in 2008, “it was the first time they’d been really been involved, really paying attention. This is someone telling them, ‘Yes, you can,’ ” she said.

Two years later, with a prolonged Gulf oil spill, “watching how slow it is to respond may be a little disillusioning,” she added.

I could use this space to be snarky or whatever. But, I really will just speak the truth. This is what happens when the person that you are trying to elect is oversold. It is a classic case of Democratic Party overreach. Have the Republicans ever done this? Absolutely; They did it with Reagan to a point, but it was nowhere near the scale and size of what the Democratic Party did with Barack Obama. Not only that, but the Reagan campaign and Presidency did not engage in the Chicago-style of political thuggery that the Obama campaign was notorious for.

There is also a more broader and finer point to be made as well. That point is that as a political candidate, you get one chance to capture the hearts and minds of the American people. Just one chance! If you are able to do it and you louse it up; you are, as they say, screwed. Barack Obama rode in on the promise of “Hope and Change”, and it turned out that he is just another Chicago thug politician. Further more, it became very clear to the most devoted of Obama supporters that now President Obama was just not much of a political leader, but rather a thinker. This became very apparent when the oil spill happened. In fact, Obama still has this attitude of being above it all, even after it has happened.

So, this poll should not be a shock to anyone. Least of all to us who knew what the man was really all about.