Phyllis Schlafly and stubborn facts

I got to hand it to Phyllis Schlafly she really knows how to make the Liberal left crazy. I love her for that.

The Video:

The Money Quote:

“One of the things Obama’s been doing is deliberately trying to increase the percentage of our population that is dependent on government for their living. For example, do you know what was the second-biggest demographic group that voted for Obama? . . . Unmarried women. Seventy percent of unmarried women voted for Obama. And this is because, when you kick your husband out, you’ve got to have Big Brother government to be your provider. . . .”

Now the facts, taken by poll by CNN:

Stubborn Facts

Not to mention this:

Take a recent report entitled “Advancing the Economic Security of Unmarried Women” by the Center for American Progress, the “progressive” nonprofit run by Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff John Podesta. The report reviews the problems of a growing segment of our society: unmarried women. They are poorer, more likely than other women to be unemployed, have less access to health care, and often struggle to care for children without support from fathers.

What’s CAP’s solution? More government at every turn. Among the recommended proposals are more generous unemployment benefits, more job-training and job-placement programs, greater subsidies for child care, more generous child-nutrition programs, direct welfare payments for those with children, government intervention to prevent foreclosures, expanded low-income-housing programs, an increased minimum wage, government intervention to increase the pay of occupations dominated by women, mandatory paid family and sick leave, and, of course, government-provided health care. In other words, complete cradle-to-grave, taxpayer-provided government support.

It’s tempting to call this paper sexist: Women — especially unmarried women — are portrayed as barely able to subsist without extra protection. One could also ruminate on CAP’s view of family formation, which seems willing to substitute a dependent relationship on the government for marriage. A woman without a man is encouraged to depend on Uncle Sam.

Once again, Phyllis Schlafly makes the liberal left crazy…. With the FACTS!

...and I just love her for that…..

Phyllis Schlafly is the real deal — a True Conservative Christian woman, who; unlike Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham, dresses, talks and acts like a true Conservative Christian woman.

The thing that I find some incredibly ironic, is that the fact that liberals think that Phyllis Schlafly is speaking extremism. But Mike Malloy wishing that Glenn Back and Rush Limbaugh would die, is perfectly fine.  It’s funny how those liberals work, isn’t it?

By the way, I have an entire WING of Mrs. Schlafly’s books in my Bookstore.

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