Open Message to Governor Tim Pawlenty: Please, Run in 2012

Man, I love this: (H/T HotAir)

Some of the commentators over at HotAir are saying that T-Paw does not have the “it” factor or that he’s not Sarah Palin. To that I say, thank God he is not all of those things. I want someone that will actually will lead this Country; not some washed up broad, who thinks she is entitled to be President, because she is a woman. (Hello Hillary!) Not someone who’s thinks he is entitled to be President, because he is some sort of a Millionaire or on some sort of Mormon Mission. (Hello Mittens!)

So, to Governor Tim Pawlenty: In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, In the Name of the United States of America; the greatest Country on Earth: Please, Run for President of the United States! I will Blog for you, I will work on your campaign. Anything! You name it. We need someone who will actually lead! Without the rock-star stupidity.

We need someone like Governor Tim Pawlenty, and we need him now. Please, Tim, Run.

Update: Smitty links in from The Other McCain

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