Interesting Reading: Howard Zinn was a Communist after all

Head on over and read.

Related snort worthy Blog headline:

Howard Zinn a communist? Next you’ll be telling me Madonna used sex to sell records!


I love it. 😀 😆

Allow me to offer a little historical context here. There were different kinds of left; they were:

  1. Old Left
  2. New Left

Nowadays, and since the failure to stop the Vietnam War, the progressive left have been all about social justice or as some call it, Marxism. But what you’ve read over there at McCain’s place, was simply the radical left of the 1950’s and early 1960’s. If Joseph McCarthy was good for anything, it was to drive the Communists more underground, and force the far-left in this Country to change tactics. The Far-left shifted away from the loyalty to communism to more of a subtle Marxist theme of social justice.

Disclaimer: I do not claim to be a expert on the far-liberal left. But I do know how they work. Good place to start would be here.

Just to show that I am fair and balanced. A good place to read up on the many annals of Conservatism is….here.