The Sunday Evening Round Up

Because I am not particularly in the mood to write a bunch of articles today, I will give the round up in what is happening in the political blogosphere.

Global Warming E-Mail-Gate Continues —— Christopher Booker at the telegraph thinks that this is the worst scandal to hit the global warming community in a long time. My personal feelings about global warming are this; the science is incomplete. Another problem with the entire global warming issue is this; it became a partisan issue, with one side having one set of data and other another set. This, I believe contributed to the problems with researching the subject. Once political agendas were introduced, the entire subject became muddled. This is why I firmly believe that partisan politics should be removed from the discussion and leave the science to the science folk. You can read the round up on this subject by clicking here.

The Swiss vote to ban any further building of minarets. — The first thing I thought when I saw this was; “What the heck is a minaret?” According to Wikipedia, a minaret is a structure for a Mosque. Naturally, this is causing quite a stir in Switzerland. You can read the roundup here.

Thomas Freidman says that the Shooting at Fort Dix was a result of Muslims being paranoid about Americans. —– Sorry folks, they do not get any more stupid than Friedman or hypocritical either. Friedman is nothing more than a Liberal Apologist for Muslim Terrorists, plain and simple. I am not the only one giving Friedman royal sand about this, read the roundup.

The New York Times, the most liberal print paper in America, writes a story that claims that Bush let Osama Bin Laden escape capture. Liberals and Democrats have LONG believed this, for years. (I know, I was one of them….) Why is this even being printed? Oh, I know why! Because Osama Obama’s poll numbers are dropping and his various so-called “solutions” to save America’s economy, which Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter royally screwed up — have failed. Therefore, the Liberals are trying to find an excuse to blame Bush for something. It is the classical distraction from the real issues at hand; Works every time, for most people. For the round up of reactions to the story, click here.

Here we have another story from the New York Times about high use of food stamps in America. My Friend Steven Glibert over at Sweetness and Light comments:

Somehow just about every person (except family, in a line for clothing) is white. Despite the article’s own (albeit buried) claim that “food stamps feed one in three blacks.”

But of course the real purpose of this article is to encourage more people to go on the dole.

The New York Times wants us to be a nation of layabouts who are completely dependent upon the government.

They know that is the fastest way to the socialist dictatorship they crave so badly.

Steve is a harsh man, but quite the truthful one.

The latest about Tiger Woods is not much at all. He is not saying much at all. The rumors of Martial infidelity and possibly masturbation while driving appear to be unfounded. — The reactions to this most interesting story can be found here.

The woman who is running for Fat Ted’s old senate seat is against sending more troops in to Afghanistan. Are you surprised? I thought not. — Read the Reactions here.

Not a big shock, but Iran plans to build more Nuke Factories. Obama wants to invite the bastard to a beer party or so I am told. — Read the reactions here.

That will do it for the news round up for this Sunday. I will see you all tomorrow for more blogging, snark and the occasional funny! See you then!