Updated: NY-23 Gate Continues

The saga of the NY-23 election race continues. Seems that there has been some interesting stuff uncovered by some very enterprising reporters.

Michael Patrick Leahy over at the TCOT Report writes about some interesting information about how this Liberal-lite candidate was chosen. Dan Riehl also has some interesting information as well. Dan is also making some new friends as well! 😉 😛 😀

Robert Stacy McCain, who is really a good guy and a damn good shoe-leather reporter; has some good information as well, and is also kicking at the stalls to get back up to upstate New York and do some more shoe-leather reporting. McCain also reports that the New Media, together with the big time endorsements has really help Hoffman’s Campaign. McCain could also use some donations as well. So, head on over and help the old man out. Better yet, Click right here to give to McCain. Mention my name and my Blog; and maybe I will get some kind words out of the deal. When you are done, donate to me as well; as I would just LOVE to be up there in the middle of all that myself. I have many needs, I need a better car; as the one I am driving now is just not road worthy at all. In fact, if my cousin doesn’t have the money to buy it by next week, it is going to the junk yard.

So, if you can click on my donate button as well and GIVE LIBERALLY! 😀

Update: Looks like the Liberals are hitting back a bit: (H/T to Simon via E-mail)

The Politico has more.

My feelings on this is basically this; Class warfare. Which is quite lame. It is the Democrats last line of defense, sort of like the Race Card.

Update #2: Some Great Bloggers covering this story: Campaign Trail, The Atlantic Politics Channel, Michelle Malkin, The Other McCain, American Spectator, AmSpecBlog, The Washington Independent and RedState (H/T Memeorandum)

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