Michelle Malkin does the beast

I hope that Michelle does not see this headline; she will kill me. 😛 😉 😀

The last thing you’d expect Michelle Malkin to be is charming, funny, or vulnerable.

As an agent provocateur of the hard right—blogger, newspaper columnist, Fox News contributor and, for the past six weeks, queen of the New York Times nonfiction bestseller list—she can project a certain grim, off-putting intensity. In recent appearances on The View and the Today show to hype her latest anti-liberal screed—Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies—she was, by turns, shrill and smug, occasionally disciplining an unruly interrogator with a schoolmarmish “Read the book!” And unlike Ann Coulter, whose more outrageous remarks are usually mitigated by a sly grin, nobody ever wonders if Michelle Malkin is for real.

She is, unmistakably, dead serious.

So who is this softspoken, self-deprecating woman talking to me on the phone?

“I’m a human being,” Malkin says from her home in tranquil Colorado Springs (tranquil, except for the shrieking of Air Force jets—“the sound of freedom,” Malkin says), far, far away from the media-political complex. “I mean, every once in a while it might get under my skin. But I can’t stop ad hominem attacks against me.”

via Michelle Malkin Has Feelings, Too – The Daily Beast.

The interview is an interesting read. Michelle Malkin is an interesting person. With me, it is mainly how she can be such a salvo and still consider herself a Christian. Much of that is answered; she is a Roman Catholic. Catholics are basically taught that they can do whatever they please; They just have to confess it to a Priest. That, we Protestant Christians know, is a load of bunk; as is all of Roman Catholicism. You do not believe me? Just ask all the kids that have been molested in Catholic schools.

Yes, I know, I am a bit of Salvo myself.  I have standards though; Michelle has vendettas against the Liberal Socialists. I do not. I simply go out of my way to challenge their line of thinking.  As I do, to a point with the extreme far right as well. —– I would go toe to toe with some George W. Bush worshiping boob, just as quick as I would some socialist. The difference with me is; it is never personal. With Michelle, it is.  Contrary to what some might think, that read this blog. I am nowhere and I mean nowhere near to the right as Michelle Malkin.  There are some, whom I have chatted with that accuse her of being partisan. Call me crazy, call me whatever; but I just do not see that in Michelle. I read her blog almost daily. I have seen her heave salvos at the Republican Party just as harsh, if not worse, as she has at the Democrats.

One thing what annoys me about her is this. When she fires off these salvos of hers and she gets threats; she runs. That is, in my humble opinion, a textbook example of cowardice. If I were in Michelle’s position and had her degree of visibility. I would be standing out on the front lawn of my house, with my guns loaded saying “Bring it the fuck on!”  I mean, I know she’s got kids; but freakin’ Sweet baby Jesus on a carousel already! —– Put the damn kids in the basement with Jesse and get the fucking AK-47 and fight for your damn self already! Sorry, no offense intended; just a slight annoyance of mine. In other words, if going to talk smack about the Socialists; back your stuff up! Just saying, that’s all. 😀

One thing I will give Michelle Malkin credit for is this; it was her reporting of the socialist pigs, who thought they would be cool and pour cutting oil on the Vietnam War memorial in Washington D.C. that basically made me decide that enough was basically enough and that I had enough of the Democratic Party and the way they disrespect our Military. I mean, I am all for helping the middle class and helping the poor; but our Military is just somewhere; that you just do not tread with me. My uncle served in Vietnam and members of my family served in World War II. I would have served myself, if I would have completed high school. I did not, so, I cannot serve. But I can, and will defend them on this blog to my damned dying breath. This reason and a host of many others; including this previous election and my blogging about it, has really put me to the right of where I was, when I first started out. Michelle Malkin does deserve some credit and a bit of thanks for this.