A Liberal Blog pokes me in the ribs


I got poked in the ribs by a liberal Blogger. It was partially my fault.

Let me explain.

Ed Morrissey made a very insightful observation about Blogs a while back. Basically Ed said that Blogs were a sketch of one’s thoughts. Which is true, this is basically where I come to vent my feelings and share, with you, my feelings about this Presidential Administration and give you my take on news of the day. An online dairy of my thoughts. My own personal bully pulpit. (Hey, Mom wanted a preacher…. She got me…. It wasn’t all bad. I think! 😮 )

There are times when I write something and I do so, with the assumption that everyone else, knows what the hell I am talking about or what I am thinking at that moment.  Unfortunately, not everyone has access to what is happening inside my head. Consider this to be a good thing, there’s some terribly strange shit that goes on up there. 😉

This, was one of them times.

A Liberal Blog that is called “Just Another Blog from L.A.” has taken me to task for something I wrote. It was done in the typically sarcastic liberal manner. If I were one of them uppity Sean Hannity type of Conservatives, I would be ready to rip on this guy. But, seeing I am a bit more laid back than Sean. I am willing to concede that maybe I did not make myself clear.

On my posting about Ted Kennedy, I wrote the following:

He spoke loudly for the disabled, something that I can appreciate, as I am the nephew of a developmentally disabled aunt. (Also known as mentally retarded) The Democrats took up this cause; because the people that should have been taking their cause; that is the Church —— were too busy trying to make themselves more holy and righteous.

Well, Mr. M. Bouffant, did not like what I wrote, He quips:

Yes, let’s leave care of the disabled to “the Church.” (Catholic, we assume.) Because they’ve always done such a good job of that. See: Ireland. Or: Sexual abuses & cover-ups. The Catholic Church: Holy righteous accountability is our middle name.

Truly insane. Charity will cover anyone who can’t afford X hundred thousand dollars a yr. for care of the disabled? And the churches? That’s right, turn the schizophrenics over to the believers in fairies, who will no doubt proceed to scourge the devils right out of them. Medication? A good whipping will teach them not to see things that aren’t there.

First off, Mr. Bouffant assumes that I am a Catholic. If he would have bothered to read my About Me and F.A.Q. sections of my Blog; he would have known that I am not a Roman Catholic. Second of all, Mr. Bouffant’s anti-Christian rhetoric and attitude are duly noted. Although, he does have a point about the Roman Catholic Church’s scandals.

The problem is that, as I am known to do, at times; did not sketch out well enough, what it is that I was talking about. Partially, because I really was not interested in writing a novel and because, again, I was working within my own parameters and I assumed everyone else knew what I was talking about. Bad trait of mine; Oops, Sorry. It is not to say that I do not appreciate the criticism. I do! It keeps me on my toes and forces me to spell out what it is that I am trying to say.

Let me be clear, (Obama would overuse one of the better opening clarification statements out there… thanks Barry! You asshole. 😛 ) I am well aware that “The Church” is not capable of handling ALL of the needs of the developmentally disabled. Especially some of the more severe cases. I realize that some disabled people do need the care of medical professionals; Good God, I am not that daft. But I do believe that the Church could play a more active role in support. Key word there; Support. That support could come in many different forms. I was not referring to medical care, at all.

Again, my apologies to those who, like Mr. Bouffant, may have misunderstood what it is that I was trying to say. Next time, I guess I will have to spell out what I am trying to say, I little better. Least, I take another painful poke to the ribs. 😀